Category: DLC

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Cities: Skylines - Snowfall release date and price announced

By Liam Dawe,
Cities: Skylines - Snowfall the next DLC for the hit city builder is now confirmed to be releasing on February 18th.

Crusader Kings II: Conclave expansion now available

The newest expansion for the acclaimed Crusader Kings II is now available, focusing on bringing more options for fine-tuning how your realm is run. A big patch has also been released to all owners of the base game, bringing with it many quality of life improvements.

Dying Light: The Following DLC has some interesting looking new places in the new trailer

By Liam Dawe,
I am still confused by Techland's marketing team calling it Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition, since The Following is a DLC and Dying Light: Enhanced Edition is a big patch. It's confusing when all their marketing emails and tweets combine the two so I'm never really 100% sure what's in the DLC and what's just in the Enhanced Edition.

Company of Heroes 2 updated and performs better, The Western Front Armies expansion released

By Liam Dawe,
Feral Interactive certainly don’t stop, Company of Heroes 2 has an impressive patch alongside The Western Front Armies expansion release on Linux. This patch also enables Linux to Mac online play.

Company of Heroes 2 to get first Linux expansion and Linux to Mac multiplayer on January 28th

By Liam Dawe,
Company of Heroes 2 is set to get bigger for Linux gamers as The Western Front Armies expansion is going to be released soon. Along with the expansions we will also be getting Linux to Mac online multiplayer with a patch.

Cities: Skylines Snowfall expansion announced, winter is coming

By Liam Dawe,
Cities: Skylines is about to get even bigger and better, as Cities: Skylines Snowfall has been announced. Winter is coming.

Dying Light: The Following story teaser & Enhanced Edition legendary levels preview

By Liam Dawe,
I am super excited for both the Enhanced Edition upgrade of Dying Light and The Following DLC. Both will make an already good game, even better. Check out these two newer videos.

Magicka 2 has a new DLC named 'Ice, Death, and Fury', Linux supported

By Liam Dawe,
Magicka 2 seems like a pretty cool game, and great that we now have it on Linux too. The idea of battling away by casting spells is quite cool, and this new DLC looks insane.

Goat Simulator appears to be getting a new DLC, the trailer is good

By Liam Dawe,
Goat Simulator, ahh what a strange game it is, stranger that people actually buy it and like it! Personally not a fan, as it's too stupid for me, but the new trailer caught my interest.

Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks Now Available

The latest expansion for the popular grand strategy game, Europa Universalis IV, is now available. Hordes get a lot of shiny new features but there's a lot of new internal and diplomatic options introduced as well. It's been released alongside a massive patch that improves things for all players.

Dying Light's DLC The Following will be on Linux, price set to rise soon

By Liam Dawe,
I have it straight from the developer that Dying Light's DLC The Following will be on Linux, after I saw reports and speculation that it wouldn't be. The price is also set to rise, so you may want to pickup the season pass soon due to how big it is.

Invisible. Inc: Contingency Plan DLC Released, Offers Up More Of Everything

By Liam Dawe,
Invisible. Inc was already a pretty great strategy game, and now it's even bigger thanks to the first DLC named Invisible. Inc: Contingency Plan.

The Last Federation Gets A New Expansion, The Lost Technologies

By Samsai,
The Last Federation, a strategy game about creating an interplanetary federation, has received its second expansion which brings new technologies and a new game mode.

Victor Vran: Cauldron Of Chaos Dungeon Free DLC Released

By Liam Dawe,
Good lord I love Haemimont Games and Victor Vran. Another free DLC has been released, and this time it offers a fresh challenge every day.

Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide Expansion Released & Thoughts From A Civ Addict

Civilization: Beyond Earth is a sci fi-themed entry in the much-beloved and long-running Civilization series. It came out late last year to mixed reception and now has seen the release of its first expansion. I decided to check out Rising Tide to see if it managed to recapture some of that classic Civ magic.

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS, A Standalone Expansion For Planetary Annihilation

By Liam Dawe,
Well now, I didn't see this coming! Planetary Annihilation: TITANS was released today on Steam, and what a whopper of a standalone expansion it is.

Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth Expansion Rising Tide New Trailer, Still A Day-1 Linux Release

By Liam Dawe,
Good news folks, the expansion Rising Tide for Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth is still planned to be a Day-1 Linux release, and it has a new trailer.

Dying Light: The Following Announced, A Story-focused DLC To Come

By Liam Dawe,
I'm pretty excited about Dying Light: The Following, as the basic gameplay in Dying Light was really fun, and I need more.

Motörhead Through The Ages, An Expansion For The RPG Victor Vran Announced

By Liam Dawe,
Victor Vran is about to get bigger, as a new expansion is coming named "Motörhead Through The Ages". I've never listened to Motörhead before, but an expansion to Victor Vran is awesome news anyway.

Expansion To First-Person Puzzler 'The Talos Principle', 'Road To Gehenna', Has Been Released

By flesk,
The long-awaited expansion to last year's first-person puzzle favorite has been released on Steam, and comes with a massive price cut on the base game for new customers.
Showing 680 to 700 of 727 entries found.