Ready to get the latest and greatest from the KDE team? The awesome Plasma 5.25 release is officially out now.
Ready for even more improvements to come to the KDE Plasma desktop? I know I am and Plasma 5.25 Beta is now available.
Do you love the Budgie desktop environment? Good news, another Linux distribution looks like it will have it soon with Fedora.
GNOME 42 has rolled out officially today with a bunch of new features, fixes and enhancements to make your Linux desktop experience even better.
The Linux desktop Budgie 10.6 is out now, as the first release under the new Buddies Of Budgie organization and it's really looking good.
KDE has today released the Plasma 5.24 desktop, filled with goodies across the whole thing and this is an LTS release (long-term support) that will continue seeing updates until a final Plasma 5 release after which Plasma 6 succeeds it.
Developer Nate Graham has highlighted more recent work for the KDE Plasma desktop environment (the one the Steam Deck will come with) and it's all sounding great.
KDE Plasma is a pretty frelling great desktop environment - but couldn't it be better? The KDE team have begun the previously announced 15-Minute Bug Initiative.
The latest release of the KDE Plasma desktop is close with the Plasma 5.24 Beta going live now with plenty of new features and fixes for this customizable environment.
KDE developer Nate Graham continues blogging about how KDE and Plasma are evolving and there's been some great improvements recently, along with some huge plans for 2022.
In the mood to try a new desktop shell? Well, the folks behind Nitrux have formally announced Maui Shell and it sure does look pretty.
Joshua Strobl, who was Experience Lead for the Solus Linux distribution, has officially quit but work on the Budgie desktop environment continues.
The GNOME team has announced that with GNOME Shell 42 that will release in 2022, things are going to get better for mouse input which is a nice win for gamers.
KDE developer Nate Graham, the same person who recently said they may become the "Windows or Android" of the FOSS world is back again with more thoughts - this time about keeping it simple.
Do we need another desktop environment? There's already KDE Plasma, GNOME Shell, Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon and the list goes on for a while. System76 at least seem to think another is needed, one they control.
The team at KDE are producing upgrades for Plasma very quickly, with another weekly update out from developer Nate Graham with some major new bits being hooked up.
Has it really been 25 years? That's absolute madness. I still remember trying out the first released version of KDE. Plasma - 25th Anniversary Edition is available now.
Another 6 months of development later and GNOME 41 is out with plenty of enhancements for GNOME desktop fans.
The MATE desktop environment version 1.26 has released after 18 months of development and excitingly adds some more Wayland support to various parts of the stack.
Stability and usability are the keys to the new KDE Plasma 5.22 release that's officially available today.