Do you have a Guitar Hero Live (PS3) 6-fret guitar or perhaps one from the Wii U that you want to use on Linux? Prepare to dust them off.
NVIDIA just quietly released another fresh update to their special developer-focused Vulkan Beta Driver.
NVIDIA have produced a brand new stable Linux driver with version 455.28, which adds in new GPU support and there's plenty of fixes for us too.
NVIDIA have pushed out a fresh update to their developer-focused Vulkan Beta Driver series, here's the highlights and what's changed.
The latest and greatest in open source graphics drivers has released with Mesa 20.2.0, although you should wait on it if you're after a stable experience.
With XDC 2020 (X.Org Developers Conference) in full swing, we've been going over the various presentations to gather some interesting bits for you. Here's more on the ACO shader compiler and Vulkan Ray Tracing.
As if you forgot, right? Today, the real next generation in gaming begins, with the release of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 as the first in the desktop Ampere architecture.
Yesterday, September 9, NVIDIA released a new update to their Vulkan Beta Driver series to clean up some lingering bugs found. One of which should help Wine.
Red Hat developer Adam Jackson has opened a new merge request for the Mesa project, with what they're calling GLX Delay, to bring accelerated GLX for Xwayland with the NVIDIA driver.
It appears that Valve aren't stopping their push to improve Linux gaming, as they just recently hired another developer to help improve open source graphics drivers.
Back in April we revealed the ROG-Core project, with an aim to better support ASUS ROG laptops on Linux and it seems it's really coming along nicely now.
NVIDIA continue expanding their Linux driver support, with a fresh Vulkan Beta Driver going live today.
Are you as excited as we are about the future of VR and AR (collectively known as XR)? It's hard not to be with the excellent progress going on with Monado, the open source OpenXR runtime.
Shortly after giving us a brand new stable mainline driver, the NVIDIA driver team have released a new developer-focused Vulkan Beta Driver.
NVIDIA today just released a big new stable driver for Linux with 450.57. It pulls in a whole bunch of big features from the recent 450.51 Beta.
Monado is the in-development OpenXR runtime for VR / AR on Linux and Collabora continue to make excellent progress on bringing it up to eventually support more platforms and features.
With the upcoming release of Mesa 20.2 which should hopefully be in late August, it seems AMD GPU owners will get a nice boost thanks to the Valve-backed ACO shader compiler.
The Mesa open source Linux driver team have put up their updated roadmap for the upcoming version 20.2 version.
Not long after the recent developer-focused 440.66.17 Vulkan Beta, NVIDIA have released the 450.51 Linux Beta Driver in their mainline series that's for us consumers to jump in with.
Today NVIDIA have released a fresh developer-focused Vulkan Beta Driver with support for more extensions and a little performance work included.
Showing 240 to 260 of 457 entries found.