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Massive Chalice has been available to Linux backers of the Kickstarter campaign since 1st November. This week it was released in Steam Early Access, and judging by initial impressions it looks like a potential hit for Double Fine.
Feeling rebellious? Want to make some quick virtual fake money? Well, I might just have a game for you. Let's see how masterful our heists are going to be in The Masterplan.
BossConstructor is an indie game I've been waiting on for quite a while, and the Early Access release is upon us. Read on for some thoughts on this epic space game
Clockwork Empires is the latest game from the developers behind Dungeons of Dredmor. It looks great and they are working on the Linux & Mac versions right now.
I talk a lot about Early Access, because the majority of games sent to us are on there. The games there range from awesome to awful, and Merchants of Kaidan has a bit of both.
The Hive, a story-driven real-time strategy game, was launched on Thursday on Steam Early Access for Windows, but according to the developers it should be available for Linux at a later date.
Kerbal Space Program has always been about building things. It has always been about those things exploding. Now - as part of the 0.25 update - it's about buildings exploding. (And plenty more besides.)
Dex is a beautiful looking side-scrolling RPG from Dreadlocks Ltd that has just landed on Linux. It's currently in Early Access, so remember to watch out for those bugs!
Shadowrun Online was confirmed to be heading to Linux, but the question has always remained when? They use Unity much like a lot of developers now, but noted Unity's Linux support still needed some work for them to be comfortable releasing a Linux version. Luckily now it looks be "soon". UPDATED.
Worry not readers early access isn't all doom and gloom. Maia's developer Simon Roth has created a blog post letting us all know just how healthy the game development is right now.
The people at King Art Games have been true to their word and have released The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 on steam early access for all platforms at once for their backers, which is a nice break from all the "Linux when windows is out and sorted" releases we get these days.
Universe Sandbox 2 is a physics based space simulator. We never got the original on Linux, but as teased the developers are delivering with Universe Sandbox 2.
Steam's Early Access is filled with games these days that are annoying to cover due to missing assets, bugs, bad performance and unfinished gameplay mechanics. In my opinion only few games out there are worth picking up. And I believe Ziggurat is one of them.
In Mini Metro you are tasked with designing your own subway system for a growing city. It looks simple, but once you get into it not only is it addictive, but it's generally awesome too.