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Geneshift, previously known as Subvein: Mutant Factions, a top-down shooter with vehicles will officially launch on April 27th (Early Access) and they also have a demo now too. UPDATED.
ONRAID is a self-proclaimed “challenging 2D shooter” that is heavy on the multiplayer component despite having a lot that you can do by yourself. It’s recently gone free-to-play so I gave it a look to see if it was any good.
Brawl of Ages is a free to play online 1on1 fast-paced strategy game that recently launched with Linux support. It's being published by S2 Games, who created Strife with a new developer BNA Studios taking the helm.
Man O' War: Corsair - Warhammer Naval Battles only added Linux support back on March after I poked the developer and now they have a final release date set.
Shroud of the Avatar, the RPG that has single-player and selective online modes has a big new release out. You can also try it for free for a few days to see if you want to buy it. I tried it again and have some thoughts for you.
Guns N' Boxes a game that promised a Linux version during the Greenlight campaign is now looking to put it out after many months waiting. They've asked for willing testers to help out.
Space Jammers, a game I covered before after being impressed by the early free demo is has continued development and has now had a rather quiet Steam release. UPDATED
I keep a keen eye on 'MewnBase' as it's a cute and simple survival game about a space cat trying to survive on a barren planet. It's had a few big updates recently to know about.