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Category: Early Access

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The Bug Butcher, A Fun Early Access 2D Shoot Em Up

By Linas,
With all the big titles coming to Linux, it is easy to miss the smaller ones. You do not always want to invest hours of your life building an empire or engaging in epic quests. Sometimes you just want to blast some alien bugs for a few minutes while your coffee is brewing. The game I am looking into today lets you do exactly that.

Road Redemption Could See A Linux Release In The Next Two Weeks

By Liam Dawe,
Exciting news! Road Redemption is a title I've really wanted to play since I saw it on Kickstarter, as a spiritual successor to Road Rash which I played when I was younger.

Universe Sandbox 2 Released In Early Access With Linux Support

By Liam Dawe,
You love your space simulation stuff right? Universe Sandbox 2 has released with full support for Linux, so I decided to check it out.

GOL Cast: Maxing Out The Geiger Counter In Nuclear Throne

By Samsai,
If a nuclear holocaust were to happen right now it probably would be nothing like Nuclear Throne. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't check out this indie roguelite top-down shooter, so check it out we shall!

Pump-Action Captain Is A Game To Avoid On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It's not often I tell you to outright avoid a game, but Pump-Action Captain is a game you really need to just walk away from, see inside for why.

Hearthlands Is Exactly The Type Of City-builder A Lazy Sunday Needs For Linux Gamers

By Liam Dawe,
Hearthlands is a cute city-builder I haven’t really touched since December last year, so I decided to pick it up again today and the progress is amazing.

Nova Blitz Trading Card Game Might Be My New Addiction On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Nova Blitz is something I was emailed a few times by PR people, and I looked past it until a GOL supporter emailed it in. I have now decided to give it a go, and boy does it get addictive.

TerraTech, An Open World Customizable Vehicle Combat Game With Some Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
TerraTech is my latest discovery and purchase, after the developers fixed up the input issues in the demo, I was able to see that it's quite an interesting vehicle combat game.

Tactical Vehicle Combat Game 'Brigador' Enters Early Access This October For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Brigador is a game I ordered ages ago thinking it was already out for some reason or another, but I'm happy to see progress has been great on it, and it's releasing in Early Access on October 20th.

Nuclear Throne, The Action Roguelike Has A Load Of New Content

By Liam Dawe,
It has been a while since I covered Nuclear Throne, and it's getting more awesome with every new build.

Don't Be Patchman Is The First Game On Steam To Be Linux Only

By Liam Dawe,
Don't Be Patchman is releasing very soon on Steam, and it's going to start by being a Linux-exclusive title. This won't stay forever though, but the developers are focusing on Linux first.

Retro-Pixel Castles, A Hybrid Godlike Village Simulator Thoughts & Key Giveaway

By Liam Dawe,
I’ve been keeping an eye on Retro-Pixel Castles for a while, and I decided to let it mature a bit. I’ve now given it some thoughts, and I have some keys to throw your way.

GOL Cast: Saving Humanity In Nomad Fleet

By Samsai,
Nomad Fleet developed by Autarca is a one-man indie strategy game that combines elements from FTL, Homeworld and even Battlestar Galactica into a single package. You command the remnants of the humanity on a quest to find an ancient jump gate to escape a mysterious alien race known as Xenos.

Super Dungeon Run, Guiding Hapless Heroes Through A Dungeon On Linux, Some Thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Super Dungeon Run recently released on Steam for Linux in Early Access, and the gameplay sounded interesting so I gave it a run or two.

Gunscape, FPS World-building Hybrid Launches For Linux September 9th

By Liam Dawe,
Gunscape is a mix of first-person shooting, and world building that will be launching out of Early Access on September 9th! It's a little rough right now.

Interstellar Marines Updated To Unity 5, Seeing Improved Performance

By Liam Dawe,
The latest version of Interstellar Marines is available, and the main change here is it's now using Unity 5.

Nomad Fleet, Mix Of Homeworld, FTL And Battlestar Galactica, Available On Steam Early Access

By Samsai,
Nomad Fleet, a space RTS that mixes gameplay elements from Homeworld and FTL with a setting that might be quite familiar to Battlestar Galactica fans was released on Steam Early Access few days ago.

Nightside, The Fancy Looking RTS Updated With More Missions

By Liam Dawe,
Nightside is one of the coolest looking RTS games I've seen in years, and it had another big update recently.

7 Days to Die Completely Broken For Mac & Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Just a little warning if you were thinking of picking up '7 Days to Die', they just release Alpha 12 which has completely broken Mac & Linux builds.

Project Zomboid Build 32 Is Live, Steam Integration Coming Soon

By Liam Dawe,
Project Zomboid is easily one of the best Zombie survival games around, build 32 adds a lot of new stuff, and Steam integration is coming soon.
Showing 1900 to 1920 of 2071 entries found.