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Category: Editorial

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User Editorial: Steam Machines & SteamOS after a year in the wild

By calvin,
On this day, last year, Valve released Steam Machines onto the world, after the typical Valve delays. While the state of the Linux desktop regarding gaming has improved, Steam Machines have not taken off as a platform, and SteamOS remains stagnant. What happened with these projects from Valve? Why were they created, why did they fail, and what could have been done to make them succeed?

'Motorsport Manager' won't get a Linux version until later, despite it releasing with a SteamOS icon (updated)

By Liam Dawe,
After purchasing 'Motorsport Manager' at release, I was a bit confused as to why it had a SteamOS icon when it downloaded nothing. Sadly, it seems this is false advertising as the developers planned to release it for Linux later. Updated: After I contacted Valve, the SteamOS icon was removed.

It's looking like Linux may hit 3,000 games on Steam by the end of 2016

By Liam Dawe,
It was only in September that Linux hit about 2,500 games on Steam and around a month later we've amassed another 200+, so if this keeps up it looks like we will break another milestone.

Developer of 'Steam Marines' talks sales, Linux represented 2% over the lifetime of it

By Liam Dawe,
The developer of the game 'Steam Marines' has been talking about sales of the game, and Linux represented 2% of the total.

Steam store updated, Valve still haven't fixed filtering to only Linux games on the homepage

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have updated Steam as promised with a fresh homepage, but they still haven't fixed it so when you select to only see Linux games, that you really do only see Linux games.

Linux overall market-share percentage falls on Steam in October

By Liam Dawe,
You know the drill by now, it's up and down all the time and I don't think we should really pay much attention to the Steam Hardware Survey any more, regardless of it going up or down.

The Steam store update will require developers to use actual screenshots of the game, finally

By Liam Dawe,
There's a lot that annoys me on Steam, and one major bit looks like it's getting a more watchful eye from Valve: Screenshots that aren't actually screenshots.

A look at some neat Linux games you can find on the awesome itch store

By Liam Dawe,
The game store itch can be a bit of a goldmine when it comes to smaller titles, and it’s time to give them a shout out.

Why GNU/Linux ports can be less performant, a more in-depth answer

By ,
Community member 'mirv' has given his thoughts in addition to the previous editorial by Liam, about why Linux ports can perform worse than Windows versions.

Using Nvidia's NVENC with OBS Studio makes Linux game recording really great

By Liam Dawe,
I had been meaning to try out Nvidia's NVENC for a while, but I never really bothered as I didn't think it would make such a drastic difference in recording gaming videos, but wow does it ever!

Linux community has been sending their love to Feral Interactive & Aspyr Media

By Liam Dawe,
This is awesome to see, people in the community have sent both Feral Interactive & Aspyr Media some little care packages full of treats.

Why Linux games often perform worse than on Windows

By Liam Dawe,
I still see so much confusion and outright misinformation being spread about why a lot of Linux games perform worse than Windows, so here's a few real reasons.

Game porter Ethan Lee has done a write-up of the recent SteamDevDays

By Liam Dawe,
Game porter Ethan Lee, who has done tons of Linux ports went to SteamDevDays and he has now done a write-up of the experience.

Desura, IndieRoyale and DailyRoyale now have new owners who plan to revive them

By Liam Dawe,
Looks like Desura is going to make a comeback sometime soon, as the new owners OnePlay have announced they have acquired it.

Looks like Mojang will be supporting the new Minecraft launcher on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Good news Minecraft fans! Mojang seem to have changed their minds on Linux support for the new Minecraft launcher they are working on.

Games to play on Linux this Halloween, my top choices

By Liam Dawe,
So Halloween is fast approaching, and you want to play something scary, here’s some good ones to try out.

The developers of 'Can't Drive This' will donate all Linux revenue from October to charity

By Liam Dawe,
The game 'Can't Drive This' only recently came to Linux, and the developers have decided that 100% of October's revenue made from Linux sales will go to a penguin charity.

What have you been playing recently, and what do you think?

By Liam Dawe,
It's sharing time today, as sharing is caring right? What have you been playing recently, and what do you think?

Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition removed from stores in favour of the new Anniversary World Tour, no Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
For fans of oldschool Duke Nukem on Linux, sadly you're now out of luck. Gearbox took over the rights to Duke Nukem and Devolver's deal for Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition has ended, so essentially Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition is no more.

Through the Woods no longer coming to Linux due to platform-specific technology

By Liam Dawe,
This is really annoying. 'Through the Woods', a very promising psychological horror is no longer coming to Linux and was only announced two weeks before release due to platform-specific technology.
Showing 340 to 360 of 1302 entries found.