While Metro Exodus was exclusive to the Epic Games Store for a while, it later went live on Google Stadia (which is Debian Linux) and today it's finally available on Steam. It also appears to be coming to the Linux desktop with news on that due soon.
I absolutely love first-person shooters, it's often a sort-of safety net comfort zone when I just want to jump into something quick for a while and it looks like Relow might be a good choice for that.
The final release of Black Mesa, the re-imagining of Half-Life is coming close and Crowbar Collective want as many people as possible to test out the latest Beta build.
The Keep, a FPS gaming community will be celebrating a new event this Saturday for the frenetic and interesting FPS Warfork.
Even though it's been around since 2012, the popularity of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive continues as it today hit a new all-time high for players online.
One of my all-time favourite first-person shooters, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, is about to tell naughty players to sort their attitude out.
Late last month to coincide with the 24th anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D, the EDuke32 fork Raze was announced.
Community support for Unreal Tournament was able to breath some new life into the game, even with the limitations of the closed binary. By 2018 however the game was no longer launching for Mesa users. For an engine with such a pedigree on Linux this outcome is still disappointing.
I come across a lot of really weird games, sometimes though they're the right kind of weird which is the case with KARLSON.
ULTRAKILL, mentioned briefly here on GOL recently is an upcoming retro-inspired FPS that's about violent machines powered by Blood and there's a brand new demo.
Ryan "Icculus" Gordon, a developer who has ported tons of games to Linux has done it again. Descent 3, has been re-ported and upgraded for Linux (and macOS).
Excited for the System Shock remake? I certainly am! Nightdive Studios recently sent a special demo to backers but to keep the hype going for everyone else they've also doing a long new video.
Retro first-person shooters as a genre and theme are very much back in action, I am super happy about this and ULTRAKILL is one that needs to be in your sights.
Retro-inspired with plenty of modern tricks, Prodeus looks bloody awesome! Sadly though, we have to wait a bit longer to frag as the Early Access date has slipped.
The finishing line for Crowbar Collective and their re-imaging of Half-Life with Black Mesa is almost in sight, with a preview of the full finished game to come soon.
Kingpin: Life of Crime is being remastered with 3D Realms recently announced Kingpin: Reloaded bringing new life to the Quake II engine classic.
The Zombie Panic! Team put out another update on the progress towards version 3.1, what's turned into a massive overhaul to many parts of the game as Linux support also comes in.
Tonight, we've decided to do something a little different. We're organising a Linux gaming night and you're all invited to join us.
Regular readers will know by now that I love a good first-person shooter, I also keep an eye on fun mods and entire conversions of Doom. Shrine is another recent discovery, sending you into the Eldritch depths of hell.
Valve have made their original Half-Life titles all the way up to Half-Life 2: Episode Two free to play for a few months.