The more I play of War Brokers, the more I come to appreciate it. It has a number of different game modes along with a recently released Battle Royale mode that's actually quite fun.
Are you itching to play some Battle Royale on Linux? Now is your chance as the indie FPS game War Brokers just added a Battle Royale mode.
If you think you have good aim and fast reflexes, Polygod is probably a good FPS for you to check out with single-player, local co-op and online play.
The Communist Dogifesto has quite an amusing setting, with Russian space dogs aboard a space station becoming really rather intelligent and taking it over. It's open source and it just had a rather big update.
Insurgency: Sandstorm is the new tactical FPS from New World Interactive that will be coming to Linux. There's new videos out to show it off and we have an update for you about Linux support.
TO4: Tactical Operations is an Unreal Engine powered free first-person shooter that's coming to Steam and they're planning a Linux version.
One of the developers from Bohemia Interactive who's active in our community is asking to see how much interest there is in the Linux port of Arma 3.
Rounds is a new game mode for Ballistic Overkill that sees two teams of up to 6 players fight to eliminate the other team, each player only has one life per round.
Valve's massive update to the interface for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is now officially live for everyone, no longer needing a launch option to be set.
This might seem a bit like Déjà vu since I only wrote about Voxel Turf recently! It has another update today and this is quite an exciting one.
The experimental Linux beta of Arma 3 has once again been updated putting the Linux version up to 1.82.
Be ready to face the dinos as your friendly neighbourhood DRM free store have just today added the Linux version on Turok.
Not to be outdone by Snap packages, Flatpak's are also getting in on the fun so you can also now get Xonotic from Flathub.
Polygod, the difficult FPS from Krafted Games is officially leaving Early Access on August 17th and it sure does look fun.
Stack Gun Heroes from developer Unstackd seems like it could be quite a fun shooter, one that gives you a highly customizable gun.
The retro FPS from Voidpoint and 3D Realms is officially getting multiplayer along with a note about a delayed final release.
Ravenfield is a pretty fun single-player FPS that keeps on expanding and becoming more interesting with each release. This latest release is especially fun.
Game porter Ryan Gordon sure has been busy. Only recently we got Turok and now Turok 2: Seeds of Evil is in beta for Linux.
After waiting for a bit of extra time, Linux gamers can now enjoy the brand new Panorama UI update in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
The cheap and fun FPS Ballistic Overkill is set to get another update and it sounds like it could be quite a good one.
Showing 740 to 760 of 1414 entries found.