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If you're like me and you love the idea of Battle Royale games, yet you're finding none of them on Linux, Islands of Nyne might be one to keep an eye on.
The Communist Dogifesto, a sci-fi first-person shooter recently released on Steam and itch. It's another game that's open source too and I took a look.
Continuing on from my previous articles on how to get both Doom 3 and Quake 4 running on modern Linux systems, I felt the time was right to look at Prey, another id Tech 4 based game with a native Linux port. It did not take me long to discover that the main issue people were likely to run into with Prey had nothing to do with the game itself.
I'll be honest, I'm not too bothered about Project Contingency deciding not to support Linux because I've only just heard of it, it's still in the early stages and Installation 01 will support Linux.
Thanks to Steam's new curator system, we get sent keys to various games where developers want us to review it. I took a look at Powerless and I was not impressed.
The developers of Ballistic Overkill have pushed out a new update which features a major change to the way Team Deamthmatch works, they also added in Steam Workshop support.
Even though the Linux release of Insurgency: Sandstorm has been delayed, it's still coming and as an FPS fan I'm still quite excited. This new teaser trailer looks good too!
Interstellar Marines was one of the most promising FPS games in a long time, until they basically ran out of money. They're still going and this latest updated fixes a long-standing Linux issue. I also really missed playing this game!
Having already gone to the trouble of getting the original Doom 3 binary working on my modern Arch Linux system a few months back, it made me wonder just how much effort it would take to get the closed source Quake 4 port up and running again as well.
Insurgency: Sandstorm the newest FPS game from New World Interactive is now entering a closed-alpha phase. The sad news is that Linux (and Mac) will see a delayed release.
Since Linux doesn't have PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, I'm always on the look out for something like it. Go 4 The Kill is a rather fun attempt to turn CS:GO into a PUBG-like game.
You might remember I wrote about the gory FPS 'Apocryph' and that the developer was planning a Linux version, well, they've put out a test build for Linux already.
The FPS game Day of Infamy has a big 'Flak Tower' update out, which includes a new map and environment art. They also upgraded to a 64bit engine, but it seems the Linux version didn't get that.
GZDoom, the open source id Tech 1 engine that powers mods such as Project Brutality and standalone TCs like WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony or Castlevania: Simon's Destiny, has a new version out with improved support for Mesa drivers on Linux.