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Interstellar Marines was once an incredibly promising FPS, but sadly somewhere along the way they lost focus and funds ran dry. The last developer left has given an update.
As sometimes happens, I cover a Beta version of a game that later gets released that same day. The Leaderboards update of Ballistic Overkill is now live and it fixes the fullscreen issues on Linux.
First person/text adventure hybrid, The Spicy Meatball Saves The Day has been re-launched with all-new audio, gamepad support, improved controls and more!
I've been excited to try Morphite, the low poly stylized FPS that people keep comparing to No Man's Sky and now it's on Linux here's some initial thoughts.
Bohemia Interactive have announced in their latest "SITREP" that the Linux version of Arma 3 will be updated to the latest version of 1.76, work is set to start on it "soon".
Burst The Game, a free to play online FPS recently launched into Steam Early Access, the problem was it didn't work on Linux and it was basically the Unreal "Multiplayer First Person Shooter Kit".
Tannenberg is not only from the Verdun developers, it's also serves as a standalone expansion. The developers have announced the release date and platforms now too.
I must admit, this has me more interested in Ravenfield. One of my issues with the game, was your AI team doing whatever it wanted. The developer seems to be making steps towards making it more fun.
Bohemia Interactive have put out Virtual Programming's latest update of Arma 3 for Linux, it includes 64bit support and finally fixes the texture issue I had.
The developers of The Signal From Tölva put a note at the end of their latest Steam update to say that the Linux version is having the last few bugs squashed.