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Category: FPS

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Morphite, a stylized FPS sci fi adventure game will have Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
I'm always on the lookout for interesting FPS games, because I think Linux still lacks in that department. Luckily, I came across Morphite, will will release next month with Linux support.

Burst The Game, the free to play FPS arrives with broken Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Just to make you aware, that Burst The Game, the free FPS has launched, but its Linux version is completely broken.

Sounds like Killing Floor 2 won't come to Linux any time soon

By Liam Dawe,
Sad news here, as it seems Killing Floor 2 is not coming to Linux any time soon, despite previous rumours about it.

Natural Selection 2 updated with an improved spectator system, new tutorial and 64bit is near

By Liam Dawe,
Natural Selection 2 is the FPS/RTS hybrid released for Linux way back in 2013, many years later it's still getting updates!

Shotgun Farmers, the FPS where you grow your weapons has a decent update with bots

By Liam Dawe,
Shotgun Farmers, an FPS game where missed shots that hit the ground end up growing more weapons has another update with bots in online matches.

Immortal Redneck, the FPS set in Egypt has arrived on GOG

By Liam Dawe,
Immortal Redneck, the FPS set in Egypt with rogue-lite elements now has a release on GOG. It took them a few months to get it up, but it's nice they continue to add more Linux games.

Did you miss Shadow Warrior for free last month? It's free again on Steam this time

By Liam Dawe,
That's right, the rather good Shadow Warrior is currently 100% free to grab and own on Steam until around 5PM UTC tomorrow.

Open-world first-person shooter "The Signal From Tölva" has a Linux version in progress

By Liam Dawe,
Like me, if you've been eagerly waiting The Signal From Tölva for Linux, you may be in luck sometime soon as it looks like a Linux version is now in progress.

Ballistic Overkill updated with an experimental 64bit build, plus leaderboards are coming

By Liam Dawe,
Ballistic Overkill has been updated again and it now includes an experimental 64bit build for Linux, not only that, they're teasing leaderboards too.

Burst The Game, a free to play FPS arrives with Linux support this month

By Liam Dawe,
Are you in need of a new semi-realistic FPS? Well, Burst The Game might scratch that itch for you as long as their free to play model isn't terrible.

The fun and cheap online FPS 'Ballistic Overkill' is on sale with 50% off right now

By Liam Dawe,
The really fun and cheap online FPS 'Ballistic Overkill' is currently on sale with 50% off, pick up a copy and join in on one of our servers!

Verdun is yet another Unity title with broken fullscreen on Linux, here's a quick fix

By Liam Dawe,
Sadly another game that updated to a version of Unity that had the fullscreen bug on Linux is Verdun, so here's a reminder of the quick fix.

Discover what lurks beneath the earth in the FPS 'DUSK', which could get Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Fans of old FPS games like Doom and Quake might be very interested in DUSK. An FPS about discovering just what lurks beneath the earth.

Lots of changes could be coming to the Serious Sam games on the Vulkan Fusion engine

By Liam Dawe,
Serious Sam Fusion is Croteam's Vulkan-powered game engine that covers many Serious Sam games and it seems they have some plans.

Single-player FPS Ravenfield updated with custom map support

By Liam Dawe,
The single-player FPS Ravenfield has been updated with Steam Workshop support, so you can play on custom user-made maps.

Black Ice, the Cyberpunk first-person shooter has a major update, making the game feel more alive

By Liam Dawe,
Black Ice is a Cyberpunk first-person shooter that I've been keeping an eye on for some time now, I play it here and there but it always felt a little too dull. This new patch changes things, a lot.

Cloudbase Prime, the quirky FPS has now officially launched and it's utterly brilliant

By Liam Dawe,
Another game to leave Early Access is 'Cloudbase Prime', a quirky FPS set on a gas giant mining station.

Day of Infamy free update released with a Dunkirk map and more

By Liam Dawe,
Today, Day of Infamy has a free update with new maps, one of them directly inspired by the new war film Dunkirk and a new foliage system.

Shadow Warrior: Special Edition is currently free on the Humble Store

You can now grab the silly and over-the-top FPS chock full of blood, demons and swords for free for a limited time.

Shotgun Farmers, the sweet FPS game where you grow your ammo has been updated

By Liam Dawe,
Shotgun Farmers is a seriously cool game idea and it's just been updated with a bunch of new features and fixes. One feature in particular I requested has made it in!
Showing 860 to 880 of 1414 entries found.