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Confirmed by others as well, the latest Ballistic Overkill that adds in Vulkan and many other things, has completely broken the Linux version. UPDATED with a temp fix.
Ballistic Overkill, one of my favourite FPS games and one we host three servers for is due a huge update tomorrow! It will get early Vulkan support and much more!
I'm excited to see more from Ravenfield, as the early versions on itch are very promising. It's heading to Steam and will release with Linux support on May 18th.
I wrote about The Signal From Tölva back in August of last year as it looks amazing. It has now been released on Windows and the developers are still fully open to getting it on Linux.
Classic first-person shooters are without question my favourite video game genre, and it would be nice to be able to sit down and play more Indie games that can satisfy both my classic FPS craving while at the same time pushing the genre forward. Ziggurat attempts to do both, and it wins my respect for that.
Inner Chains is a rather dark FPS powered by Unreal Engine 4 and it does look incredible. The problem is, the release date has been set with no Linux release in sight.
This slipped by me, not to be confused with the VR titles, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter is now supported in Croteam's updated Fusion engine and it features Vulkan and Linux support.
Croteam have recently released both Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter & Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter on Steam. They both use their new Fusion engine which comes with Linux support, Vulkan and 64bit.
Just a quick update about the great online FPS Ballistic Overkill. I spoke to the developers on Twitter and it's possibly it may see a Unity upgrade to get Vulkan.
The really fun FPS Ballistic Overkill has now officially left Early Access with a patch. The developers have stated they intend to continue adding to it and have major features in development.
As a big fan of the older Halo games myself, Installation 01 sounds like it could be pretty interesting. It also plans full Linux support due to using the Unity game engine.
Day of Infamy is a very fun FPS from the developers of Insurgency. I've played a little while of it and found it enjoyable and now it's fully released.