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Good news for Arma 3 fans today, as Bohemia Interactive have released their next roadmap. They have stated work is going to continue on the Linux version! Not only that, but they are going to make Arma 3 64bit too.
'Polygod' is an Early Access FPS with a focus on random generation and high difficulty, the developers just released a Linux version and need feedback.
If you remember, I recently wrote about Stellar Overload and did a small preview. The good news is that the game is now available on Steam with Linux support.
I'm pretty sad about this, as I thought Killing Room actually looked really fun. I noticed the Steam page now only lists Windows, so I asked the developer about it and the Linux version is now delayed.
Trash, trash and more trash. That's how I would describe what has been gaining a foothold on Steam over the past year or so. Today it's time to rinse 'Noob Squad', an indie FPS that normally costs £0.75.
Day of Infamy is the new FPS from the Insurgency developers New World Interactive. It has a Linux version, even though it's not advertised yet. It seems to work pretty well and they just updated the game.
Shadow Warrior 2 was due to get a Linux version, then suddenly information on it vanished from the Steam page and Humble Store. The plot thickens from there.
'Slayer Shock' is the newest game from Minor Key Games, the developer behind Eldritch. You take on the role of a Vampire hunter trying to save your town.
'Vengeance' as it's now called, is an indie FPS built with Unity and it just got a huge a update. Featuring a new user interface, new weapons, new maps and more.
'Ballistic Overkill' is currently one of my favourite online FPS games and it has just been updated with a new user interface, a new class and more! It's still as cheap as ever, go get it.
‘Ravenfield’ is a small but excellent FPS inspired by Battlefield (but without Multiplayer), and now its single developer is releasing an update. There isn’t a lot of new content, but the new assets and improvements are surely welcomed.