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Black Ice is a game I have followed for a long time (and personally purchased a copy) and it just released a rather nice update. If you're an FPS fan and looking for something to sink some time into, this could be what you need.
Black Mesa is officially coming to Linux, and the developer confirmed so in a rather delightful way of shooting down an anti-Linux troll in the Steam forums.
Team Fortress 2 is a fantastic game and I do like to jump in now and then for a little blast, but I really do hate having to find and pick a server. Looks like this update was made for me.
A couple of us are a bit hooked on the FPS game Ballistic Overkill and we did a livestream on Twitch the other night to show it off some more. It's now on Youtube for you to laugh at us.
Insurgency is supposed to be getting competitive features for the online play, but their UI is holding them up. They have written up a post to explain it and they talk about their new games Day of Infamy and Insurgency: Sandstorm too.
I had the pleasure of testing out Transmissions Element 120, a single-player experience set in the Half-Life universe. It’s now out, and available on Linux.
Yes, Nuclear Dawn is still alive and still being updated. I'm actually shocked, but impressed at this. The new version will make the Linux and Mac versions a bit better too.
Ballistic Overkill, an online class-based FPS recently released Linux support, but it was another we totally missed. I picked up a copy and took a look.
One of the complaints recently for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been the Linux performance, so Valve have changed how fullscreen works to help.
Hard Reset Redux is a beautiful looking FPS game from Flying Wild Hog and Gambitious Digital Entertainment that is now showing signs of coming to Linux/SteamOS.