Exciting news for FPS fans. The Arma 3 developers have updated everyone on what's happening with the Linux port, and it looks like they are even going to work on the BattlEye anti-cheat system.
Insurgency was very exciting to have on Linux, as it's the most tactical FPS game we have available. The new updates have made it much more fun too, with gamepad support and decent Steam Controller support added in.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter takes the best from the N64 and PC versions, puts them into a new engine and then released into the wild. It looks like the developers are planning a Linux release too.
Warsow, a rather stylish and free online shooter hit the big 2.0 release recently, and it seems to be pretty good.
I'm a big fan of Dying Light, even with it being a bit iffy at times for me, but the general gameplay is fantastic. The developers have announced a newer Dying Light: Enhanced Edition is coming
Storm United is easily one of my favourite up and coming FPS games, it needs more players so get going people.
Sublevel Zero has been updated, and it now launches correctly. It's a good one to try for fans of Descent, and it's rather vibrant looking.
Sublevel Zero is an exciting looking game, and with it being a roguelike six-degree-of-freedom shooter i just had to give it a go.
Sublevel Zero is a great looking and well received first-person roguelike six-degree-of-freedom shooter (wow, what a mouthful!).
Thanks to a reader, we have two Insurgency keys to give away to you lovely folks. It's a pretty damn good FPS game, and performs really well.
Borderlands 2 & Borderlands The Pre-Sequel have been updated with some pretty beefy updates, and they include some little Linux fixes too.
I'm a bit behind due to all the fun tonight, but Insurgency is now fully available on Linux with a big update. It's also available dirt cheap in the latest Humble Bundle offering.
We mentioned that Murder Miners was on its way to Linux, and it has arrived already in beta form! I tested it out very quickly earlier, and it seems to run perfectly.
I forget that Natural Selection 2 is on Linux, mainly due to the dying player base and how dog slow it was to load, but it seems they are finally taking steps to improve that part of it.
I have been waiting for Insurgency to come to Linux for over two years, and I'm glad to see the developers start to really make a push for us.
Good news folks, the Arma team is busy behind the scenes, and they are planning an update to the Linux beta port.
Storm United is probably one of my favourite FPS games right now, and the recent update has cemented that rather firmly.
Murder Miners is a highly rated indie first-person shooter, and it has been confirmed by the developers and porter that it's coming to Linux.
This weekend Storm United should finally have a new update, and the developers have told us it will include Linux too.
A post from a community member highlighting the free and open source FPS. They say it ranks among their top five FPS game of all time, wow.
Showing 1060 to 1080 of 1414 entries found.