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The FPS junky in me approves of this, the developers of Insurgency added the Linux port to their official Trello todo list, and it looks like it already runs.
I do love my FPS games, but I'm not entirely sure about Illuminascii. It mixes traditional graphics with ASCII for a really cool effect, but the gameplay isn't all that great.
It's been a while since I covered the new Unreal Tournament that's currently in Alpha, so here's a fresh look at it. The way to launch it has changed since we last covered it too.
It's sad that it seems Valve aren't supporting their Source Engine developers very well in some cases, and the Insurgency developers are going their own way to support us.
We've been pretty patient waiting for Contagion to come to Linux, and we haven't been forgotten about. The developers will be visiting Valve this year to speak about it.
Thanks to the about page on Virtual Programming's official store, we have found out that they are the mystery external porter of Arma 3 that should see a Linux release.
Gunscape is a mix of first-person shooting, and world building that will be launching out of Early Access on September 9th! It's a little rough right now.
You know Doom, right? Well, are you aware of Brutal Doom, a mod that makes Doom even more awesome and brings it into the 21st century? Let's try that mod out!
Postal 2's Linux version has been lagging behind the Windows build for a long time, but no more. RunningWithScissors took the port in-house, and it's now updated.
Slime Rancher is a hard game to categorise, it looks cute in a way that makes me want to play it, and you capture pokemon like slimes to mess about with.
I'm a fan of roguelikes and I'm a fan of first-person shooters. So naturally I really like the idea of combining these two genres. And as it happens, another game called Barony has attempted that. Let's see how it fares!
TF2 seems to be doing what Counter Strike Global Offensive is with limited time campaigns, and charging for them. Some of the profits do go to the community, so that's nice.