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Category: FPS

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Xonotic Is Approaching Version 0.8 With New Features And Maps

By Samsai,
Yesterday a video was published on http://www.xonotic.org which showcased a preview version of the new 0.8 update and all its new features and a couple of new CTF maps.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Might Be A Little Present To Unwrap Soon For Linux Gamers

By Liam Dawe,
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare has today added Linux information to their Steam database, so get your "it's happening" images ready.

GOL Cast: Exploring Consciousness In The Talos Principle

By Samsai,
Among all of the games that were released recently was this first person puzzle game with an interesting concept and gorgeous graphics and ever since playing the demo I knew I'd have to feature it on GOL. So, let's get to the good stuff!

Interstellar Marines Update 16 “Assault On Starcrown Aerospace” Is Live

By Samsai,
One of my favourite tactical FPS games on Linux just released an update that adds the second campaign map to the game, along with some gameplay fixes.

The Original Strife: Veteran Edition, The Original FPS & RPG Hybrid On Steam For Linux, We Have Keys

By Liam Dawe,
The Original Strife: Veteran Edition is apparently the original hybrid of FPS and RPG games. It has been revamped, and placed onto Steam. The engine is even open source and included with the game.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive Lowers Memory Use On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
If like me you found Counter Strike: Global Offensive to be a little bit of a hog this should help. Speaking on the CS blog the developers noted memory use on Linux and Mac has been lowered.

Metro 2033 Redux & Metro Last Light Redux Launch On Linux, Sorta (UPDATED)

By Liam Dawe,
Both Metro 2033 Redux & Metro Last Light Redux now have Linux icons on Steam, but they aren't currently downloadable. Looks like someone either forgot a switch or two. UPDATED

Killing Floor 2 FPS Has A New Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
While the announcement that Killing Floor 2 will release for PS4 won't excite many; the actual trailer will. It will be mostly the same for PC and PS4, so be sure to take a look.

BioShock Infinite Looks Set For A Linux Release (CONFIRMED)

By Liam Dawe,
I love waking up to this sort of news. This isn't confirmed yet, but thanks to SteamDB we have word that BioShock Infinite looks highly likely that it will see a Linux release. CONFIRMED!

More 'Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel' DLC Announced For Linux

By flesk,
More good news for those with an insatiable appetite for Borderlands, as Gearbox has announced another DLC for 'Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel' with more story, a challenge arena and new weapons.

We Are The Worst Interstellar Marines In The Universe

By Liam Dawe,
A little video of myself, and our casting specialist Samsai being completely turd at testing out the latest build of Interstellar Marines.

Interstellar Marines FPS Update Number 15, Stealth Supressed

By Liam Dawe,
Interstellar Marines continues to get more and more awesome with update number 15. With two more co-op & single-player maps, as well as brand new stealth options.

Natural Selection 2 Community Developers Need OpenGL Help

By Liam Dawe,
Natural Selection 2 development was handed to the community a while ago, but some Linux bugs with OpenGL are making the game on Linux crash happy.

Voice Of Pripyat, Multiplayer First Person Shooter In Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
Voice of Pripyat is a multiplayer first person shooter that has popped up on Steam thanks to Greenlight, it looks like it could be interesting too in a stupidly crap way.

Soul Axiom, A Sci-fi Action Adventure On Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Soul Axiom is a fantastic looking mix of a sci-fi story, action, and adventure wrapped up in a neat early access package.

Ensign-1, The Space Shooter Sim Lives Again On Steam Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
Ensign-1 was a promising looking space shooting sim from Only Human Studios which we covered a lot "back in the day", but the developer seemingly gave up on it. That doesn't seem to be the case now, and I can't wait to see what happens.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel's First DLC Now Out, And Linux Is Supported

By Liam Dawe,
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has its first DLC pack out named 'Handsome Jack Doppelganger' is now out, and thanks to Aspyr Media it has day-1 Linux support.

Insurgency FPS Is Waiting On Valve So It Can Come To Linux (UPDATED)

By Liam Dawe,
Insurgency is a tactical FPS built with Valve's Source engine, and it originally stated it would come to Linux, but now their plans aren't so clear thanks to Valve. UPDATED, see the bottom.

Interstellar Marines v14 Released, More Single-player Goodness

By Liam Dawe,
Interstellar Marines is really starting to shape up with good performance, and some more single-player content.

Double Action, A New Free FPS For Linux Using The Source Engine & It's Amusing

By Liam Dawe,
Hello again folks! Today I bring news that Double Action a new shooter than can be played in first or third person has arrived for Linux, and it's bloody funny.
Showing 1160 to 1180 of 1417 entries found.