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Category: FPS

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Team Fortress 2 Free FPS Feels The Love, Major Update Released

By Liam Dawe,
Valve haven't forgotten about TF2 and they have just released a big patch, and no it isn't a set of fancy new hats.

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
System Shock 2 as promised some-time ago is now on Linux, one thing to note is that this game is a wine-port.

Heavy Bullets Randomized Dungeon Crawler FPS Now In Beta, I Fail At It

By Liam Dawe,
Heavy Bullets is another favourite little FPS of mine, it is now in beta and available for purchase!

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
I had to keep quiet about this one as well, but it seems the cat is out of the bag now. Sanctum 2 the awesome looking FPS & Tower Defence hybrid will come to Linux.

Contagion Co-Op Zombie Survival FPS Delayed For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Contagion a co-op survival horror FPS game that got kickstarted in October last year, it had Linux & Mac at a stretch-goal that was hit, but they have still been delayed.

Dark Raid Good-Looking FPS Should Come To Linux In Future

By Liam Dawe,
Dark Raid is a good looking FPS with a single-player story and multi-player, luckily the developers have confirmed they are looking to support Linux.

Black Ice, A Cyberpunk First Person Shooter With RPG Elements

By Liam Dawe,
A Cyberpunk FPS with strong RPG elements, how can you not love Black Ice? It looks fantastic for an early game.

Unvanquished Open Source FPS/RTS Hybrid Looking For Coders

By Liam Dawe,
Unvanquished is one of the most promising looking open source games around, and they need help with programming!

Project NEX Arena Based FPS Aims To Revive Arena FPS Games

By Liam Dawe,
Project NEX makes some pretty bold statements about bringing arena FPS games into the modern gaming cirtcuit, but can they hit their mark?

7 Days To Die Zombie Survival Game Hitting Delays, Linux Still Being Worked On

By Liam Dawe,
This is a sore spot for any Linux gamer who backed 7 Days To Die on Kickstarter, months on end after the Kickstarter has finished, and still no Linux version in sight.

Serious Sam 4 Action Packed FPS Coming Q4 This Year For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Get ready Serious fans as Sam is back in Q4 of this year in Serious Sam 4, so we will see another great looking action-packed FPS game with some comedy thrown in.

Unvanquished FPS/RTS Hybrid Releases Alpha 25, Out With The Old

By Liam Dawe,
Unvanquished has released like clockwork their 25th alpha release, this time ripping out their old renderer completely.

Deadfall Adventures FPS Linux Beta Released

By Liam Dawe,
Announced today is the start of a new adventure for Linux gamers, Deadfall Adventures has been released into open beta for all owners.

Fancy Skulls FPS Major Update Including 4 New Enemies

By Liam Dawe,
Fancy Skulls the quirky FPS has a new major update out that includes quite a lot of content including new enemies and balance adjustments.

Interstellar Marines FPS Still Plans To Release On Linux This Year

By Liam Dawe,
Never fear, Interstellar Marines is near! A developer has finally broken the silence on what is happening with the Linux version.

Paragon Evolved FPS New Video & Demo

By Liam Dawe,
Paragon Evolved is a fast-paced sci-fi FPS which combines the speed and intensity of older shooters with the tactics and strategy of modern ones. I showed you this when I discovered it some-time ago.

Natural Selection 2 FPS & RTS Hybrid Major Updated Released Named Dropship

By Liam Dawe,
The guys at Unknown Worlds are at it again, Natural Selection 2 has a new major version named "Dropship" that adds some really sweet features.

Warsow FPS 1.1 Beta Released

By Liam Dawe,
Warsow is a fast paced first person shooter with some pretty stylish cartoon graphics, they have just released a brand new beta with big changes.

Glitchspace A First Person Programming Game, Find Those Glitches!

By Liam Dawe,
This looks pretty out-there, Glitchspace currently in alpha is a first person puzzle game where you have to reprogram glitches to proceed.

Unvanquished Open Source RTS/FPS Hybrid Alpha 24

By Liam Dawe,
The latest and greatest Unvanquished has been released to the masses with a lot of new goodies including a modernized file system.
Showing 1280 to 1300 of 1418 entries found.