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Category: Flash

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Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer Part 33: I Hate Mondays

By Hamish,
After I installed the Flash Player plugin my first thoughts were of, an award winning website which, while a bear to navigate back in the day, was home to a wide array of Flash based games and amusements based around the titular comic cat created by Jim Davis. Caches of the old content can still be found hosted on the Internet Archive.

Building a Retro Linux Gaming Computer - Part 20: The Antediluvian World

By Hamish,
Sold as interactive storybooks, these took the form of narrated picture books which went over the story from the film while allowing for a certain degree of user agency, typically by allowing a selection of quirky animations to play by clicking around with the mouse. UAV must have wanted in on this craze as well, and so Atlantis: The Underwater City - Interactive Storybook was born.
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Lumino City Confirmed, But Delayed For Linux

By flesk,
The gorgeous sequel to 2011's title 'Lume' is slated for release next month. With no news on release platforms the last year we reached out to the developer 'State of Play' to catch up with the status of the Linux release.
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries found.