Category: Game Dev

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Valve update open source GameNetworkingSockets with P2P connections

By Liam Dawe,
GameNetworkingSockets is just one in a list of open source projects worked on by Valve developers, and this doesn't even require Steam so developers can use it anywhere.

FNA 20.09 is out with the new FNA3D, brings experimental Vulkan support

By Liam Dawe,
A big day for the FNA project, as they've released a massive new release which pulls in FNA3D, the new modern and much more advanced 3D graphics library for FNA.

Vlambeer celebrates 10 years of indie dev by announcing time is up

By Liam Dawe,
Vlambeer were an indie developer duo consisting of Jan Willem Nijman and Rami Ismail. They recently hit the 10 year mark, and decided to celebrate by announcing Vlambeer is shutting.

Event-driven FOSS game engine GDevelop adds dynamic 2D lights, more features

By Liam Dawe,
The free and open source game engine and editor GDevelop continues maturing, with new features constantly being pulled it to make it more powerful.

Open source 3D creation suite 'Blender' has a major new release

By Liam Dawe,
Blender, the free and open source 3D creation suite continues going from strength to strength, with a brand new release out now. Let's go over the highlights.

Kit-bash your way to success in game dev as Asset Forge 2.1 is out

By Liam Dawe,
Need to make some nice models for games? Asset Forge is a nice way to do it, allowing you to kit-bash your way to create some really nice assets.

Make retro Game Boy games with the open source GB Studio, now with colour in the 2.0 Beta

By Liam Dawe,
GB Studio is a free and open source retro adventure game creator that allows you to visually make games that can work cross-platform on Linux, macOS, Windows…and the Game Boy.

The 7DFPS Game Jam returns in December 2020

By Liam Dawe,
Ready to see more weird and unique games? The 7DFPS Game Jam returns this December so it's time to get planning.

Unity Technologies officially files to go public with an IPO

By Liam Dawe,
Unity Technologies, creator on the Unity game engine has now formally applied for IPO (initial public offering) and the documents are pretty revealing.

Want more professional Godot Engine tutorials? Check out this new Kickstarter

By Liam Dawe,
Interested in game development? Godot Engine is a constantly improving free, open source and high quality game engine and one developer is trying to push out more professional content to help people using it.

LunarG releases new Vulkan SDK with DirectX Shader Compiler for Linux and more

By Liam Dawe,
LunarG have today, August 4 2020, released a new and enhanced version of their Vulkan SDK (software development kit).

FNA and FAudio get a 20.08 release, with FNA3D and Vulkan getting closer

By Liam Dawe,
Game porter and software developer Ethan Lee announced the 20.08 releases of both of FNA and FAudio, as work continues on the newer FNA3D.

Godot Engine to get various improvements thanks to the Google Summer of Code program

The open source Godot game engine is a really amazing project that’s quickly becoming even more amazing. Development continues unabated and, thanks to dedicated programmers, there’s plenty to look forward to in the works.

Event-driven open source game engine GDevelop adds a live preview feature

By Liam Dawe,
GDevelop is an in-development free and open source game engine, one that is powered by a drag and drop event system and it continues bringing in new and fun features.

Ron Gilbert, developer of Thimbleweed Park is switching to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Ron Gilbert is a name most in the game industry will know from the likes of Thimbleweed Park, and earlier works like The Cave while at Double Fine and they were even the producer on my all-time favourite RTS Total Annihilation. It appears Gilbert is attempting to switch to Linux.

Tilekit looks like a great tilemap editor with auto tiling

By Liam Dawe,
Some parts of developing games can end up quite tedious like manually placing down tiles for 2D games, and it seems Tilekit might be able to help with that.

FNA3D now has Vulkan support in Alpha, FNA 20.07 is out

By Liam Dawe,
FNA3D, the upcoming advanced graphics library for FNA has reached a new milestone on the way to full Vulkan support.

Godot 4.0 will get SDF based real-time global illumination

By Liam Dawe,
While we already briefly mentioned SDF based real-time global illumination was coming in our post on the recent Godot Engine 3.2.2 release, Godot's Juan Linietsky has now explained the upcoming feature in more detail.

Unity Learn Premium has been made permanently free

By Liam Dawe,
After initially opening up their developer resources for a few months, Unity Technologies have now decided to make Unity Learn Premium actually free for all.

Defold Foundation awarded a grant to bring support of Web Monetization

By Liam Dawe,
The Defold Foundation recently announced another partnership, as they've secured a grant from Grant for the Web to bring in support for the Web Monetization API.
Showing 200 to 220 of 290 entries found.