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Today we have something a bit special for you, an interview with one of the team working to produce the free and open source multiplayer voxel RPG named Veloren.
AMD have given their GPUOpen website, a place that hosts various resources for game developers with open source and open standards at its heart, a new look.
While Godot Engine 4.0 will come with Vulkan API support, it's also bringing in a ton of new advanced rendering options to make it a more enticing target for bigger titles and capable of making more beautiful games.
During a recent livestream, the Egosoft team whose most recently title is X4: Foundations, talked a lot about their plans for the game and they had some fun bits to share on using the open source app Blender.
Castle Game Engine might not be as well known as other free and open source game engines, however it does look rather useful and the developers continue to pull in improvements.
While the Epic Games Store may not support Linux, at least Unreal Engine does and it appears to have been given quite a lot of attention in the Unreal Engine 4.25 release that went out officially today.
Ethan Lee, porter of many games to Linux (and macOS) and the creator of the XNA4 reimplementation FNA today announced the release of FNA 20.05 and a brand new 3D graphics library FNA3D.
Are you a game developer or an enthusiast looking to use a cross-platform and powerful game engine? UNIGINE 2 is now available in a 'Community' edition that's FREE to use.
Over the last year or two more and more toolkits, debuggers and all sorts of handy applications for developers have expanded their Linux support and now NVIDIA are doing the same with NVIDIA Nsight Graphics 2020.2.
SDL 2 (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is the go-to solution for many developers doing cross-platform work, providing an API to hook into audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware across various platforms and a big new release is out.
Creating awesome 2D games can be made quite easy, thanks to tools like GDevelop, the free and open source game engine that has an events-driven system so even beginners can use it., a very popular and highly rated soft-body physics vehicle simulator looks like it may come to Linux - if they can find a dedicated developer to join their team.
Kenney is well-known for creating high-quality reusable art assets, they've done a huge amount you can buy and quite a lot are also public domain. They're also now doing audio assets!
Aseprite is a useful tool for artists, game developers and anyone interested in pixel art that's been around for nearly two decades and it's highly rated.
With Ray Tracing becoming ever more popular, NVIDIA have written up a technical post on bringing DirectX Ray Tracing to Vulkan to encourage more developers to do it.
LunarG, the software company that Valve sponsors who work on building out the ecosystem for the Vulkan API recently conducted a Vulkan developer survey with the results out now.
Game developer David Wehle, the creator of the third person short exploration adventure The First Tree, is starting up a blog and video series aimed at helping aspiring indie game designers to overcome all the inherent challenges of such an enterprise.