This is pretty fun! Game porter Ryan "Icculus" Gordon has announced that they've picked back up an older project called sdl12-compat, which provides SDL2 compatibility for older software stuck on SDL1.2.
Popping up a little while ago on Twitter, NVIDIA has announced that they've now put PhysX under an open source license.
Epic Games have released Unreal Engine 4.21 and it includes some interesting stuff on the Linux side of things.
GDevelop is an open source cross-platform event-driven game engine that's quite promising. It's currently closing in on a new major release and it's also now on
SDL 2.0.9 has been released today featuring some rather interesting new stuff. It's been a while, with 2.0.8 being released back in March of last year.
The folks over at the Unity game engine have managed some impressive stuff, like their next project to help developers being a free sample FPS game that looks quite impressive.
What will hopefully help developers work on VR projects using Valve's experimental "Knuckles" controllers, Valve have opened up the source code for their Moondust Knuckles Tech Demos.
Back in March, AMD announced the V-EZ Vulkan wrapper, with an aim to make Vulkan development easier. Now it seems they have open sourced it.
Kenney really do make some awesome free and paid-for art to use in games and they just updated their Kenney Game Assets 3 with a lovely set of pixel art interfaces.
Showing 280 to 289 of 289 entries found.