IRIS: A Colorful Dream is an upcoming 3D exploration platformer about restoring colour to the world. It looks simply wonderful and you can play a small unique slice of it right now.
Spindle certainly has an interesting premise that's worth keeping an eye on. You take on the role of Death, as you try to find out why no one seems to able to die, with your pet Pig companion.
Technically this is the first true Beta for Godot 3.4 as they mostly skipped the first when it had a major issue. Godot 3.4 is coming with some really great sounding improvements for this cross-platform free and open source game engine.
UK-based developer Louis Durrant has launched a Kickstarter campaign for their Godot Engine powered slice-of-life sim game The Garden Path and it looks absolutely wonderful.
As Godot 4.0 gets ever closer to seeing the light with an Alpha version, the team has clarified what OpenGL / OpenGL ES support to expect from it since the big thing with 4.0 is Vulkan.
Free Game Friday! Sea of Roses is an award winning adventure from Portuguese team Crescent Tea Studios and it's out now with Linux support. Best of all, it's free.
You got decapitated and now you're on a quest to defeat the slash-happy Baron Nohead, Haiki has a somewhat amusing setup and the platforming is great.
Are you developing games? Making awesome gifs of things and whatever else? Bitmapflow is a very clever application that will generate extra parts of animations to make them smoother.
Haven't picked up Resolutiion yet? You're missing out on a wonderful trip through some seriously striking scenes in this action-adventure game. Now is a great time to grab it with a sale and a big upgrade.
Today we present another interview with a game developer! We had a chat with Kodera Software, creator of the hard sci-fi ΔV: Rings of Saturn which is available in Early Access.
After a long time waiting after being hyped when covering it here back in 2019 after chatting to the developer, The Garden Path from developer carrotcake gets a proper announcement and trailer.
Dig for riches but watch out for nasty creatures on these alien worlds in the unique and quite clever Dome Romantik.
While Godot Engine has been going from strength to strength, the co-creator and technical lead Juan Linietsky has reminded people how they rely on support to keep going.
Oddventure is a crazy turn-based RPG about the misadventures of Charlie, a girl trapped in a cursed fairy-tale world.
This looks absolutely brilliant. Oddventure is an upcoming adventure RPG from Infamous Rabbit and Pineapple Works that follows a girl trapped in a cursed fairy-tale world.
Learn more about the free and open source Godot Engine during Go Godot Jam, part of the Godot Gamedev Festival running from today May 6 through to June 9.
Office Point Rescue Deja Vu is a brand new retro-themed first-person shooter from Magellanic Games, a bigger expanded version of the original from 2020.
Free Game Monday! How about checking out satryn, a completely free infinite twin-stick shooter and it's absolutely awesome once you get a few levels in.
Block-pushing puzzles with a horror twist? What more could you possibly need in such a Sokoban game? Well, Dark Sheep has some twists and turns to it you might enjoy.
The free and open source game engine Godot Engine has a huge new feature release out, so big they had to change the version number and they have some big plans for long-term support.
Showing 220 to 240 of 387 entries found.