Category: HOWTO

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Quick tip: Adjusting video clip audio levels in Kdenlive

By Liam Dawe,
Kdenlive is a pretty fantastic tool for making videos. The more I use it, the more I really appreciate how powerful it is. Here's a quick tip for anyone wanting to edit videos, showing how to adjust volume in different sections of a clip.

You will want to force your CPU into high performance mode for Vulkan games on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
There's an interesting issue with certain Linux CPU governors that will actually bring down performance in Vulkan games.

How to livestream from Linux to Twitch, a simple guide to being awesome on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
I’ve had a number of requests to get a guide up on how to livestream from Linux to Twitch. It’s damn easy, so here’s how to do it.

A small tip for anyone working with Kdenlive and large video files

By Liam Dawe,
This is likely something many of you who edit videos frequently already know, but here's a small tip for those of you (like me) who aren't massively familiar with all the video editing options available. This tip is about working with large files, like longer or high quality gameplay videos.

How to record videos on Linux using OBS Studio with separate audio tracks for gameplay and microphone

By Liam Dawe,
Something I had been meaning to check out for a while is how to easily record videos of games, but have my microphone and the game audio in two different tracks. It turns out, it's actually quite easy.

How to easily find new releases on Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Today I read an article from RPS that claims that Valve has made it harder to find new releases. This tickled me a bit, as it's always been quite easy.

'Action Half-Life 2' version 3 released with a Linux version, here's how to install it

By Liam Dawe,
'Action Half-Life 2' version 3, a source-based modification aimed at simulating the experience of being in an action movie has released and it now has Linux support.

Building Mesa from source, a guide

By Shmerl,
If you are using Mesa (FOSS OpenGL/Vulkan drivers on Linux), you can be in situation when it introduces some new features upstream, but it didn't make it into your distro yet and it can take quite a long time for that to happen. A guide to compiling it yourself.

How To: An update on fixing screen-tearing on Linux with an NVIDIA GPU

By Liam Dawe,
My original guide on how to help fix screen-tearing on Linux with an NVIDIA GPU is a bit dated, so here’s an even easier way.

Nearly 4 years later, Steam still won’t close to the tray icon on Linux without workarounds

By Liam Dawe,
In January 2017 it will be 4 years since a bug report was opened about Steam not closing to the tray on Linux. On Windows it works perfectly, but on Linux it has been left to gather dust like so many other issues.

You will need to update your udev rules for the Steam Controller

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have changed the USB/Bluetooth communication the Steam Controller uses, so on Linux you will need to update your udev rules.

Using Nvidia's NVENC with OBS Studio makes Linux game recording really great

By Liam Dawe,
I had been meaning to try out Nvidia's NVENC for a while, but I never really bothered as I didn't think it would make such a drastic difference in recording gaming videos, but wow does it ever!

Livestreaming on Linux? Here's an essential tip you need on getting follower alerts to show up

By Liam Dawe,
Livestreaming is a big thing now! We do it, you do it, your dog would probably like to do it too. One thing that hasn't previously been easy is setting up things like follower alerts, now it is.

How to fix bodies not showing in Shadow of Mordor with Nvidia drivers temp fix

By Yomen Tohmaz,
Here's a way to fix missing bodies in the Linux port of Shadow of Mordor with Nvidia drivers. This is a temp fix until a patch is released.

Game porter Ethan Lee on packaging games for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Game porter Ethan Lee has written up a post aimed at helping developers package their games up for Linux.

Want to benchmark Dota 2 on Linux? Here's how to do it

By Liam Dawe,
For those of you who aren't sure how to benchmark Dota 2 on Linux, here's a small guide. It frustrated me there wasn't one, so after getting help I'm sharing it with you all.

Unreal Tournament on Linux, checking up on the progress by Epic Games and how to get it running on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
For those that don't know, or forgot, the new Unreal Tournament does in fact have a Linux version. I check on it now and then and it's really starting to come together.

I have finally found a way to sort out screen tearing on Nvidia with Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Thanks to a few different people for their advice I have finally found a way to stop screen tearing with Nvidia proprietary drivers.

Is Steam giving you an annoying error message on Ubuntu 16.04? Here's a solution

By Liam Dawe,
I don't entirely get why, but Steam on Ubuntu 16.04 will complain that the Steam package is out of date. The way to solve it is a little annoying, but it works.

How to tell what Steam games work on Linux & SteamOS, steamplay does not mean Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
I still see a surprising amount of confusion from people on what Steam games work on Linux. Hopefully this will help clear it all up.
Showing 120 to 140 of 151 entries found.