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Category: Hardware

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Valve expects to sell 1 million Steam Controllers by early 2017, will allow configs for other controllers

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have given out updated numbers for their Steam Controller and they expect to sell 1 million by early 2017. They are also planning to allow configuration of other gamepads, with the PS4's Dualshock 4 coming first.

Steam VR will use Vulkan on Linux, demo shown off on Linux, new Vive controller being made

By Liam Dawe,
Well, news from SteamDevDays is starting to trickle into my feed and I will do my best to keep up with it all for you. First up is Steam VR which will finally support Linux and the big news is that it will use Vulkan to do it.

Looks like VR support for Linux will be shown off at SteamDevDays this week, about time

By Liam Dawe,
VR support for Linux has been lacking and the communication around it has been pretty damn poor by Valve and HTC, but it seems this is about to change at SteamDevDays.

AMD Zen looks like it will release at CES in January 2017

By Liam Dawe,
In January 2017 it looks like AMD will finally release their brand new clean-sheet (it's a new design) Zen CPU architecture, and damn it sounds exciting.

Steam Hardware Weekend sale, bag some cheap kit, Steam Controller now has accessories

By Liam Dawe,
The Steam Hardware Weekend sale is now live and it seems Valve now sell accessories for the Steam Controller.

Remember the Smach Z handheld? LowSpecGamer took a look and others at Gamescom

By Liam Dawe,
The Smach Z handheld gaming PC is an interesting device, utilizing elements from the Steam Controller to make PC games more portable. LowSpecGamer had a chance to check one out.

OTON X claims to be the first artificial intelligent games console, it's powered by Linux

By Liam Dawe,
OTON X sounds like a rather interesting Linux-powered games console. It is aimed at people who want to create as well as play games.

Steam Client Beta finally adds Big Picture Configuration editing for the Steam Controller and more

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have now updated the Steam Client and the firmware for the Steam Controller to allow Big Picture Configuration editing and more.

Alienware do a pretty nice job of advertising their Steam Machine & SteamOS in this new video

By Liam Dawe,
A new promotional video from Alienware showing off their Steam Machine has surfaced recently and it's a pretty nice video.

The AMD RX 480 seems to have power issues you may want to be aware of

By Liam Dawe,
The brand new AMD RX 480 seems to have an issue of drawing too much power through the pci-e port, so you may want to hold off on buying one of the first lot for now.

Check out this AMD video talking about Vulkan (and DirectX12)

By Liam Dawe,
AMD have released a nice video talking about Vulkan (and DirectX 12), it's also nice to hear Linux & SteamOS mentioned.

AMD RX 480 released, AMD will possibly open up Radeon Software

By Liam Dawe,
The next generation of AMD GPU's have launched, and it begins with the AMD RX 480. Benchmarks are now out there along with plenty of info.

When should i386 support for Ubuntu end? Help Canonical decide

By bryanquigley,
Are you running i386 (32-bit) Ubuntu? We need your help to decide how much longer to build i386 images of Ubuntu Desktop, Server, and all the flavors.

You can now map the Steam Controller's buttons to different key presses and modes

By Liam Dawe,
The Steam Controller is amazing, I still love it and probably will for a long time. This new update has me in awe.

Entroware have released another beast of a Laptop, worth looking into

By Liam Dawe,
Entroware, the British (hooray!) Linux-focused hardware supplier have released the Athena and it's a bit of a beast.

Dell set to introduce beefed up Steam Machines

By Liam Dawe,
According to PCWorld who spoke with Chris Sutphen, the senior marketing manager at Alienware, Dell are pushing out two new Steam Machine models.

Razer announces the HDK2 VR headset, will support OSVR and SteamVR

By Liam Dawe,
The HDK2 from Razer will use their OSVR ecosystem - an open source ecosystem supporting multiple types of hardware brands.

Valve announce over half a million Steam Controllers have been sold

By Liam Dawe,
An awesome milestone for such an interesting device! Valve have stated in an update that the Steam Controller has sold over half a million units!

The handheld Linux computer Pyra is available for pre-order

By Liam Dawe,
Pyra the successor to the OpenPandora device is now available to pre-order and it certainly sounds interesting.

There is now an open source driver and GTK3 based UI for interacting with the Steam Controller

By Liam Dawe,
Open source rocks! A fellow named kozec has created a user mode driver (based on another) and a UI for interacting with the Steam Controller.
Showing 760 to 780 of 920 entries found.