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Category: Hardware

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Steam Controller updated, you can name it, take configs with you, adjust the light & bleep and more

By Liam Dawe,
The Steam Controller keeps on getting better and better, the latest update is pretty fancy too. You can now take your custom configurations with you, and customize the turn on and turn off sound as well as the brightness of the Steam button. You can also now share non-Steam game configs.

SMACH Z, the portable AMD Steam Machine is on Kickstarter

By Liam Dawe,
Oh boy, here we go. SMACH Z is a portable Steam Machine running SteamOS that will be powered by an AMD embedded low-powered SoC.

Valve show the Steam Controller being built, and future software updates

By Liam Dawe,
The Steam Controller excites me, you all know that, and their plans for it sound great! They also showed a really cool video of it being built.

The Zotac Steam Machine ZBOX NEN SN970 impressed OC3D in their review

By Liam Dawe,
Some good news about the whole Steam Machine parade, OC3D did a pretty long review of the ZBOX NEN SN970 and they liked it so much they gave it an award.

The New Crimson AMD Driver Tested on R7 370 4G

By Samsai,
The new proprietary AMD GPU Driver named Crimson just shipped and I decided to take it for a spin in a set of benchmarks. So, let's see if we see any improvement in the performance of these drivers.

Syber discounted their Steam Machine line and most are now sold out

By Liam Dawe,
Well now, Syber discounted their Steam Machine line (all three models), and now all but the highest price machine are sold out.

Leak: AMD's new driver will apparently offer much better performance on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It seems a leak from slides showing off AMD Crimson is reporting much better Linux performance in certain games.

My First Hours With A Steam Link

By immortel,
I bought the Steam Link with the idea that I would have a hassle-free device to play video games on my television. After playing with it for few hours, the device shows potential but does not deliver what Steam is trying to sell.

Origin PC Is No Longer Doing A SteamOS Steam Machine

By Liam Dawe,
gameinformer has reported that Origin PC has decided against using SteamOS for what was going to be their Steam Machine, so time to stop calling it a Steam Machine.

My Own Thoughts On The Steam Controller, Flawed, But Fun

By Liam Dawe,
I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this excited about any hardware. It may only be a gamepad, but the Steam Controller is so very different it’s refreshing.

Steam Machines, Steam Link & Steam Controller Officially Released & SteamOS Sale

By Liam Dawe,
Today will go down in the history books of Linux gaming that’s for sure, although not in as big a way as I was hoping for.

Left 4 Dead 2 Adds Native Steam Controller & Surround Sound Support On SteamOS

By Liam Dawe,
Left 4 Dead 2 looks like one I will be trying out soon when my Steam Controller arrives next week. Also great to see surround sound in more games!

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Driver Announced, Completely Redesigned From The Ground Up

By LinuxGamesTV,
AMD has announced their next generation driver platform, Crimson, as part of AMD’s new more agile and vertical software initiative that’s come from the reorganization into the Radeon Technologies Group.

Valve's Steam Controller Now Has A Later Shipping Date

By Liam Dawe,
All pre-orders should still be delivered on time, but if you order them from now you won't get your Steam Controller until December.

Ubuntu 15.10 Patched For Steam Controller, Backports To Older Ubuntu Versions This Week

By Liam Dawe,
Jorge Castro from Ubuntu poked me recently to let us know that Ubuntu 15.10 has already been patched for the Steam Controller, and 14.04+ others will have a patch back-ported this week.

My First Hours With A Steam Controller

By immortel,
A guest article about a users new Steam controller, complete with pictures. An exciting time for gamers everywhere right now.

Steam Controller On Ubuntu, A Tweak You Need To Do

By Liam Dawe,
Since some people did get in an early order (not me, doh!), you will need to do a quick fix to get it to register properly.

The Latest Steam Hardware Survey Shows Very Little Difference

By Liam Dawe,
As usual Steam has produced their monthly hardware survey, and also as usual there is hardly any change across the platforms.

Catalyst 15.9 Tested on R7 370 4G

By Samsai,
AMD have released a new driver for their GPUs and because I happen to own one I decided to do a test run with it by running my standard set of benchmarks to see what improvements, if any, there are.

The Arctic Cooling Alpine 64 PRO Rev.2 Is Cheap & Fantastic AMD CPU Cooler

By Liam Dawe,
I am so shocked with the performance of the Arctic Cooling Alpine 64 PRO Rev.2 that I decided to give it a small write up.
Showing 800 to 820 of 920 entries found.