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Category: Hardware

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SteamOS Gains An AMD Preview Graphics Driver

By Liam Dawe,
The venerable Phoronix has reported that SteamOS has been updated to include a preview driver from AMD to fix issues and hopefully lay the ground work for a more stable driver.

First Generation Steam Machines Revealed

By Liam Dawe,
Valve and an assortment of different companies have revealed their Steam Machines from console price-point to stupidly powerful gaming computers.

Valve Apparently Has 12 Partners So Far For Steam Machines

By Liam Dawe,
This is going to be crazy, so far it has been reported that Valve has already signed up 12 manufacturers to create Steam Machines, holy cow!

Steam's Hardware Survey For December, Looking Promising

By Liam Dawe,
Here is the latest instalment of Steam's Hardware Survey, as usual we do our monthly thing and compare it and talk about it and make sure you know not to use it as a hard figure.

Steamworks API Available For Steam Controller

By Liam Dawe,
Valve has now shipped the API for game developers to make use of their Steam Controller, so by the time the retail units are out for us to buy a good few games should support it!

Video Of A Steam Machine Being Opened

By Liam Dawe,
One lucky guy has captured on video the opening of his Steam Machine from Valve. The box is probably the best bit!

SteamOS Beta Now Out In The Wild

By Liam Dawe,
Well it has happened, SteamOS has arrived in beta form for all you tinkers to mess about with and tell us how awesome it is.

Valve's Steam Machines & Controller To Ship To Beta Testers 13th December!

By Liam Dawe,
It has just been announced that the lucky 300 testers will be sent their beta test Steam Machines & Controller on the 13th of December.

A Steam Machine From iBuyPower Has Been Shown Off

By Liam Dawe,
So the first Steam Machine has been shown off and it looks awesome with some decent specifications to boot.

Some Major Sites Had Hands On Time With A Steambox

By Liam Dawe,
So it seems a few major tech websites (and Seattle Times) have had some hands on time with a SteamBox prototype.

InfinitEye 210° FOV VR Headset Demonstrated On Linux

By Cheeseness,
Road To VR visited the InfinitEye team to review and try out their in-development dual screen, high FOV head mounted display (HMD), which was being demoed from a Linux machine.

Team Fortress 2 Gains VR Support On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Team Fortress 2 the amazingly successful F2P FPS from Valve now has official Virtual Reality support on Linux!

Steam Controller Demonstration

By Liam Dawe,
So you wanted to see how the Steam Controller works? Look no further! Valve has release a video showing it used in multiple games.

Raspberry Pi Support Has Landed In SDL2

By Liam Dawe,
Good news if you are a Raspberry Pi fan as SDL2 now supports it, which does mean technically in future more games could work on it.

Valve Announces New Controller For SteamOS, Steam Controller

By Liam Dawe,
Valve has unveiled the final announcement and it's a controller and it's a very peculiar looking device.

AMD Announces Mantle Graphics API

By Liam Dawe,
So AMD has announced a low level graphics API that will be cross platform (no actual platforms stated yet though). This will make things very interesting that's for sure.

Valve Announces Steam Machines, You Can Win One Too

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have announced SteamOS, their own operating system based on Debian Linux that will be placed on a variety of gaming machines due for release in 2014.

Oculus Rift First Impressions and Official Linux Support

By Cheeseness,
A couple of days ago, version 0.2.3 of the official SDK (requires login) for the

Alienware X51 deploying with Ubuntu!

By Sabun,
It's the Alienware X51. No doubt it will come to many as a shock, as it did to myself. It would seem Dell wants to ...

Oculus Rift VR Headset To Support Linux

By Cheeseness,
I've been hunting for an affordable head mounted display (HMD) for years, and I've always been stunned at how high the price point for VR gear in general has managed to stay so high over the past decade and a half. There's cu...
Showing 900 to 920 of 920 entries found.