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Category: Horror

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Scanner Sombre from Introversion Software adds experimental Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Introversion Software, creators of Prison Architect, Darwinia and plenty more have added experimental Linux support to Scanner Sombre, their latest title.

Check out the developer commentary on Observer, the new horror title published by Aspyr Media

By Liam Dawe,
Observer is a new cyberpunk horror from Bloober Team and Aspyr Media. The developers put out a video to show off some gameplay along with their commentary and it looks amazing.

White Noise 2 updated again, includes an 'experimental fix' from the Unity team for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
White Noise 2 was recently broken by a Unity update for Linux gamers, but it seems an 'experimental fix' from the Unity team has fixed it for me.

Scanner Sombre, a stunning exploration & horror game from Introversion looks like it's heading to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Scanner Sombre, from Introversion, makers of Prison Architect looks like it's heading to Linux. I was hopeful they would, since it looks stunning.

The developer of 'Inner Voices' will seriously consider a Linux version with enough interest

By Liam Dawe,
Another time to show support for a game to come to Linux, if you would buy it that is. The developer of Inner Voices has stated with enough support they will bring it to Linux.

White Noise 2 officially released with Linux support, along with some major updates

By Liam Dawe,
Horror game White Noise 2 which I'm quite fond of recently released out of Early Access as a full game, they also did a few updates recently.

Point & click horror game STASIS now has a new Linux Beta

By Liam Dawe,
We've all been waiting on it for some time, but point & click horror game STASIS now has a new Linux Beta for you to check out.

The sequel of the free visual adventure 'Disturbed' is announced on Steam Greenlight; it needs votes

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
'Disturbed' is a free visual adventure that was released some months ago, which got a lot of favorable reviews from Steam users. Because of this, the single developer behind the game announced, only a few weeks after its release, that there would be a sequel. And now the Steam Greenlight page is finally live.

Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation should come to Linux soon

By Liam Dawe,
The developers Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation have stated that Linux support is still coming and it looks like it could be soon.

'Bendy and the Ink Machine' is an atmospheric 1st person episodic horror puzzler with its demo now available

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
I think the premise of this title has a lot of potential, and I hope the developers prove capable of offering a good story in upcoming episodes. In the mean time, the demo is available on itch and GameJolt.

'The Dweller' is a short and minimalistic but incredibly fun and solid puzzler that I highly recommend

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
'The Dweller' is one of those obscure games that for some reason, despite being well made and original they pass completely unnoticed under the radar, and once you finally play them you not only feel you've spent a couple of hours on a worthy title, but also the fact itself of finding them is totally rewarding.

CAYNE, the free point & click horror game set in the STASIS universe is now out and it's damn good

By Liam Dawe,
I've now had a chance to play CAYNE, the free point & click horror game set in the STASIS universe and it's really rather good.

'Detention 返校' is an immersive psychological horror adventure with 'overwhelmingly positive' reviews, demo available

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
Honestly, I never heard about this title until Steam recommended it to me, and once I learned that it has a demo available, then it became a priority. Of course, I think it was a very good experience, and I'm looking forward to eventually acquire the full game.

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store

By Liam Dawe,
If you fancy scaring yourself silly this weekend, be sure to check out Alien: Isolation - The Collection which is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store.

Bear With Me: Episode Two releasing February 15th, bringing more noir adventure

The next installment in the noir point and click adventure will be arriving soon. This humor-laced adventure will throw more of everything at the player, including more crime bosses and allies.

Observer, a new horror from the 'Layers of Fear' developer and publisher Aspyr Media announced

By Liam Dawe,
Observer, a brand new horror from the developers of 'Layers of Fear' has been announced. It's being published by Aspyr Media once again and I have it confirmed it will be on Linux.

STASIS, the amazing looking point-and-click, sci-fi, horror game is being actively worked on for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
The developers of STASIS gave an update today on the progress of a Linux version and the good news is that they are actively working on it!

GOL interviews the developer of ‘Tether’, a promising looking psychological horror

By Liam Dawe,
I am really excited to see more of the psychological horror game ‘Tether’, so I spoke with the Creative Director about what we can expect from it.

Alien: Isolation – The Collection is currently rather cheap on the official Feral store

By Liam Dawe,
If you still haven't picked up Alien: Isolation, now is a good time. Feral Interactive have the game on sale on their official store. Alien: Isolation – The Collection includes all the DLC too, so it's a pretty good deal.

Unity bugs are holding back 'Syndrome' from coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Syndrome, a good-looking sci-fi survival horror was supposed to come to Linux at release, but it seems Unity is holding it back with bugs.
Showing 220 to 240 of 345 entries found.