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Category: Horror

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Decay: The Mare, Psychological Horror Game, Available On Linux

The horror-themed Decay: The Mare arrived recently on Steam, adding to the list of darker games available for Linux.

First Person Horror Adventure 'Albino Lullaby' Should Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Albino Lullaby is a really freaky looking horror adventure that should be coming to Linux, and it's using Unreal Engine 4.

Outlast, That Really Scary Game Looks Like It's Still Heading To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Good news folks, thanks to a comment on a recent article we were poked about taking a look at the progress of porting Outlast to Linux, and it seems to have a new private Linux build in testing.

The Chzo Mythos And Other Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw Games Updated For Linux

By Hamish,
Several years ago I made a number of standalone Linux binaries for the Chzo Mythos using the then closed source Adventure Game Studio runtime as a base. Now that the source code to AGS has been released, I have updated the builds to use the superior free software engine.

Under That Rain: A New Retro-style Psychological Horror Adventure

By Guest,
Under That Rain is a game about choices, and how these choices can affect even the purest spirit. In “Under that Rain” we are not proposing just an adventure, but an amazing and profound story that wants to investigate the human soul.

Upcoming Horror Adventure Game 'Downfall' Confirmed For Linux

By flesk,
'Downfall' is the remake of the 2009 adventure game by the same name. It's the game preceding 'The Cat Lady' in developer Harvester Games' planned trilogy, is slated for release in Q2 and has now been confirmed for Linux.

Bear With Me - 2D Black & White, Point & Click "Horror" Noire Adventure

By Liam Dawe,
Are you yearning for something a bit different? Bear With Me might be right up your point & click street.

The Dark Descent of Frictional Games: Part Two

By Hamish,
In the second of a two part opinion series, I will offer up my own personal conviction that the Amnesia games do not actually live up to the full potential demonstrated by their predecessors.

Developers Of Dreamfall Chapters To Receive $150,000 Grant For Horror Game

By flesk,
Red Thread Games, who recently released the first book of Dreamfall Chapters, received a grant from the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI) this week to continue work on their upcoming horror folk tale game Draugen.

The Dark Descent of Frictional Games: Part One

By Hamish,
In the first of a two part opinion series, we will explore how the Penumbra games through a process of gradual evolution created a solid design template for later Frictional Games titles to follow.

Neverending Nightmares Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Neverending Nightmares is a black and white psychological horror that looks pretty awesome. It's another game to come out from being crowdfunded, woo!

I Can't Escape: Darkness Teaser Trailer, Will Be On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
I Can't Escape: Darkness is a new horror game coming to Linux from US developers Fancy Fish Games. It is the follow-up to a game created at a game-jam.

Saibot Releases Doorways: The Underworld

By Segata Sanshiro,
Argentine game developer Saibot Studios has released the the third chapter of Doorways on Steam and Desura, with Linux support from the go. The game is a continuation of Doorways 1 & 2, which is also available for Linux.

Outlast, A First Person Horror Game Looks Like It Will Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Outlast a particularly scary game looks like it has plans for a Linux version, and that's awesome. Prepare to hide behind your pillows.

DreadOut Third-Person Horror Game Released on Steam

By Samsai,
There's a new game in town for those of you who like to be scared out of your minds by ghosts and supernatural events. And it looks quite terrifying.

Darkwood Arrives To Scare Linux Gamers

By Liam Dawe,
Darkwood is an interesting take on the horror and survival genre with a top down perspective and a really dark setting.

Among The Sleep Is Now Playable On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Good news everyone! Among The Sleep is now playable on Linux after yesterday's patch which fixed the major graphical glitches for OpenGL.

Among The Sleep Developers Are Now Working On A Linux Fix

By Liam Dawe,
Good news everyone! The Among The Sleep developers are now able to reproduce the game breaking bug that affects Linux gamers preventing them from playing, and they are working on a fix!

Darkwood Survival Horror Game Delayed, Linux Will Now Get Day 1 Support

By Liam Dawe,
Darkwood is the great looking top down procedurally generated survival/horror game that is coming to Steam's Early Access and now luckily with day 1 support of Linux.

New Release: Among The Sleep A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective, Has Issues

By Liam Dawe,
Among The Sleep is easily one of my favourite game ideas to come out of Kickstarter, sadly though the release is plagued with graphical glitches for seemingly only nvidia users.
Showing 300 to 320 of 345 entries found.