Category: Horror

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White Noise Online, A Co-op Online Horror Game Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
On White Noise Online, a team of up to 4 investigators has to explore an area looking for clues, while avoiding being devoured by a supernatural creature. Will you be able to uncover the truth behind the mysterious events?

Among The Sleep, A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective Releases May 29th For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Among The Sleep is easily one of my favourite games to come out of Kickstarter ever. It will not only be released on the 29th of May, but it will see same day Linux support.

It's Dark, A New Creepy Horror/Adventure Game On Desura

By Liam Dawe,
It's Dark is a new creepy-looking adventure game on Desura built with Unity. It's creepy because you are alone, in the woods and there might be something there with you.

Dead Synchonicity: A Dark, Dystopian Sci-fi

By Guest,
A mature, story-oriented adventure game with a unique style. Currently seeking funds on Kickstarter. They've just announced Linux support as standard, rather than as a stretch goal as originally planned.

SOMA From Frictional Games Has A New Trailer, Looks Awesome

By Liam Dawe,
SOMA is a sci-fi horror game from Frictional Games, creators of the groundbreaking Amnesia and Penumbra series. The setting in SOMA is not what we originally thought.

Among The Sleep Has A Terrifying New Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
Among the Sleep is a first person horror adventure, in which you play a two year old child. The new trailer is simply amazing.

Don't Starve Reign Of Giants DLC Finally Has A Trailer & Possible Release Today

By Liam Dawe,
This is what you have been waiting for isn't it? Don't Starve's first DLC 'Reign of Giants' now has an actual trailer, looks like it may be released today too

New SOMA Teaser Trailer From Frictional Games

By Liam Dawe,
SOMA is the new sci-fi horror game from Frictional Games (creators of Amnesia) and it looks like it will be a good one!

GOL Cast: Crashing On Zombie Infested Islands in Estranged: Act I

By Samsai,
Ah, zombies. There can never be enough of them, right? Well, getting stranded on an island infested with the things after a storm nearly sinks your ship and drowns you might sound like a perfect vacation to you then.

New SOMA Horror Game Trailer From Frictional Games

By Liam Dawe,
So you have been down on your horror game fix recently haven't you? Don't worry we have you covered with a new trailer from the Amnesia studio for SOMA!

Montague's Mount Psychological Thriller Released On Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Montague's Mount is disturbing psychological thriller set in the bleakness of an abandoned Irish island, featuring exploration and challenging puzzle solving. This game is part one of a two part story, some questions are left unanswered and open to interpretation.

Curse First Person Action Horror To Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Curse is a first-person action/horror game where players take the role of a dead pharaoh, journeying through the underworld, and seeking the truth of an ancient myth of immortality.

The Slaughter - A Twisted Victorian Kickstarter

By Alex Francois,
A noir 2D point-and-click adventure game set amongst the backdrop of Victorian London in the shadow of a string of serial killings.

GOL Cast: Running Away From Mutants in Metro: Last Light

By Samsai,
I wasn't sure if you had had enough of Metro: Last Light yet, so I quickly made a GOL Cast of it to show you the incredible world of post-apocalyptic Moscow. I also decided to shoot some mutants with a shotgun while I was at it, though the situation got pretty hairy.

Metro: Last Light Released for Linux on Steam

By Samsai,
In normal circumstances I would have let TheBoss deliver these awesome news, but what is normal about a total nuclear catastrophe in the radioactive ruins of Moscow? Especially when that happens on Linux?

Draugen First-Person Survival Horror Adventure On Its Way To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Draugen is a first-person survival horror adventure, set amongst the deep fjords and towering mountains of Norway's awe-inspiring west coast.

Between Me and the Night Where You Walk Between Sanity And Madness

By Liam Dawe,
Between Me And The Night is a surrealist, yet grounded, video-game that dares to walk the thin path between sanity and madness.

Spooky Range - A new Unity3D FPS for Halloween

By Hamish,
Spooky Range is a new Unity3D powered first person shooter that is currently available for pre-order on Desura and will be released the day before Halloween.

Alone An Immersive VR Horror Experience For The Oculus Rift

By Liam Dawe,
The developers emailed this in one to let us know about Alone, a very interesting looking horror game for the Oculus Rift which supports Linux of course.

Dark Matter 2.5D Survival Horror Now On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Dark Matter is a 2.5D side-scrolling survival horror game, set in a derelict spaceship besieged by a sinister alien presence, and infested with deadly parasites. As the Ensign, you must explore fetid hallways and abandoned facilities, scavenging for parts and blueprints, expanding your arsenal to up to four deadly weapons and freely...
Showing 320 to 340 of 345 entries found.