The Long Dark promises to be an interesting take on the survival game genre with an "original" art style. It does look pretty good, and the final version will be on Linux.
Clockwork Empires is the next game from the developers behind the hit Dungeons of Dredmor, and they are nearing a Linux release!
Towns has a bit of colourful history sadly, but that hasn't stopped a brand new update coming out which is excellent for anyone who picked it up after all that kerfuffle before.
Budget caps to blow, reputations to ruin and missions to fail have now come to career mode in the fantastic sandbox space simulator from Squad.
Battlepaths an interesting little 2D RPG has recently been ported to Linux, and we take a look to make sure you know if it's any good.
The excellent and frustrating Crypt of the Necrodancer comes to Steam Early Access on the 30th of July, and comes complete with a Linux version.
Darkwood is a dark survival game that blends a few different types of games together, and originally Linux was a delayed release, but they actually delayed their own release so that Linux is now a day 1 release. They have now finally given an Early Access release date with a fancy interactive trailer.
The Nightmare Cooperative classes itself as a turn based strategic roguelike (I wish more developers used Procedural Death Labyrinth) that looks crisp, but is it any good? Read on to find out.
If there's one thing Minecraft needs it's better performance amongst a lot of other things. Thankfully they have been working on it, and it's already showing.
Western shootout themed party game BANG BANG BANG! from indie developer Sophie Houlden is now available for Linux.
Terraria a very popular 2D sandbox game is alive once again thanks to a renewed push from developers, and in a recent update they noted Linux will be looking into after Mac (and Mac looks close).
Retrobooster has just released onto Steam and brings with it skill based old school gameplay as you pilot your ship through caves trying not to bounce off too many walls and explode, oh and it's bloody hard too.
MouseCraft is a highly rated and crisp looking puzzler inspired by both tetris and lemmings, and it's now joining the ranks of Linux games on Steam.
Quest for Infamy is a fantastic looking love letter to old school point and click adventure games with RPG mechanics and turn based battles thrown in for good measure.
Black Ice the excellent cyberpunk FPS game is now on Steam in the Early Access section and it's looking as good as ever.
Interstellar Marines the beautiful tactical FPS game that was recently released for Linux has now been updated for Linux due to their older game engine having mouse issues.
When I say weird in this case I really mean it. Cult Of The Wind has all players pretending to be aeroplanes and it's quite funny.
Hand of Fate is now in Steam's Early Access section for those of you willing to front some bucks to get it on the action. The game is described as a hybrid roguelike/action-RPG/deck builder and it looks rather pretty too.
After a rather long delay Dustforce now joins the many Linux games available to install and play on Steam.
War in a Box: Paper Tanks has been on Linux for years without much appreciation, but now that it is on Steam it could see a new life.