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Category: Meta

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Meta announced 'IGL', a high-performance cross-platform graphics library

By Liam Dawe,
Available under the MIT license, Meta (as in Facebook) have released IGL (Intermediate Graphics Library) for developers.

Godot Engine received a fresh grant from Facebook / Meta for XR work

By Liam Dawe,
Seems that Blender isn't the only free and open source project pulling in attention from backers, with the Godot Engine team announcing today that Facebook / Meta have given them additional funding for VR / AR (XR) work.
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Facebook are now funding the open source 3D creation suite Blender

By Liam Dawe,
In a move that's sure to raise a few eyebrows, the Blender Foundation has announced that Facebook has joined the Blender Development Fund.

Facebook announces their own Cloud Gaming service

By Liam Dawe,
Facebook announced yesterday that they're throwing their controller into the Cloud Gaming ring, although they seem to be doing it differently.

OBS Studio gains another big sponsor with Facebook

By Liam Dawe,
Do you make videos? Livestream? Well, you probably know of or use the cross-platform open source OBS Studio and how it's basically the go-to for such things and they just gained another huge sponsor.

Facebook Buys Oculus VR, The Internet Freaks Out

By Liam Dawe,
So, you all heard about Facebook buying Oculus Rift right? I considered doing an article last night, but I decided to let my own and everyone else's hot heads cool down a bit.
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries found.