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Category: Misc

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A round-up of all things Steam right now!

By Liam Dawe,
Time to do a round-up of all the latest on the Steam front for all of you, especially those not including themselves unofficially in the beta. Steam Client Firstly Steam itself got updates: added ...

Potification platform indie game trailer released

By Liam Dawe,
Pontification is an upcoming 2D side scrolling platform game that will be playable on Windows, Linux and Mac. It now has a nice trailer for you!

Play Dune 2 in your browser window!

By Liam Dawe,
So I don't know if anyone of you remember Dune 2, one of the ...

Relics of Annorath looking for more Alpha testers!

By Liam Dawe,
Relics of Annorath the in-alpha MMORPG built in Unigine is looking for more Alpha testers, you can sign up using this page here. They are also releasing the launcher and installe...

"Road Rebel" Reboots How Video Games are Made

By Jason Asbahr,
Here's some info on our project, Road Rebel, if you'd like to share it with your community: Road Rebel is a real battle of the bands -- a crowd developed, open source, online car combat game with badass vehicles custom designed for...

Dirk Dashing 2 v1.02 is available!

By MyGameCompany,
Dirk Dashing 2: E.V.I.L Eye v1.02 is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux!

The Adventures of Rick Rocket v1.1.2 is now available!

By MyGameCompany,
The Adventures of Rick Rocket v1.1.2 is now available for Linux! This is a Linux-only patch to fix some issues reported by a few gamers. Changes include...

Hostile takeover new video and updates!

By Liam Dawe,
One on the "one to watch" category we have covered multiple times is Hostile Takeover the indie game from Laserbrain Studios. They have release the next Alpha version...

Puddle and FTL coming to Steam on Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
Well after randomly checking the CDR today I noticed the number had risen so looking through the list and find two little gems!

Ensign 1 updates, new camera styles!

By Liam Dawe,
Ensign 1 the space combat Indie game from Brandon Smith developer of Helena the Third has done some pretty cool u...

75% off Frozenbyte and 75% off Avadon at Gameolith!

By Liam Dawe,
A great chance to pick up Frozenbyte games - Shadowgrounds, Shadowground: Survivor and Trine 1 altogether for £3.49 at Gameolith! Although if you want...

Kickstarter and Indiegogo list

By Liam Dawe,
The aim of this post is to keep a list of current Kickstarters promising Linux support since there are so many of them they are filling up the news. This post will be constantly updated and finished projects will be removed to keep...

Caster - Pay What You Want!

By Liam Dawe,
Caster the 3rd person action shooter is pay what you want for the next 36 hours so grab a bargain here guys!

Kairo an atmospheric 3D exploration and puzzle solving game

By Liam Dawe,
Enter the lost world of Kairo. Explore vast abandoned monuments. Bring strange and ancient machinery back to life. Slowly uncover the true purpose of Kairo and fulfil a great destiny.

Thorvalla an rpg by by Guido Henkel

By Liam Dawe,
The Kickstarters just keep on coming folks!

Flack an interesting little platformer!

By Liam Dawe,
One some of you may have missed is Flack a cute little platform game for £1.99! Help Flack vanquish the evil enemies that overrun Rolotopia as we speak. Beware brave adven...
Showing 4040 to 4060 of 4736 entries found.