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Freesynd v0.5

By Rustybolts,
FreeSynd ...

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 1

By Liam Dawe,
Okay so here is the first part of the interview I have done with Keith Poole one of the Linux engineers over at DesuraNET about porting over Desura to Linux. Q) Can you introduce yourself a little and how you got into working with Des...

Corsix Beta 7

By Rustybolts,
Corsix Beta 7 has just been released!

Oil Rush 0.70

By Liam Dawe,
QuoteYou can download the current development build (version 0.70) from Unigine Online Store: https://store.unigin...accounts/files/

Out of the Park Baseball 12

By Rustybolts,
Out of the Park Developements have announced that OOTPB 12 is now available. OOTB is available on Windows, Mac, Linux and is priced at $39.99.

Revenge of the Titans + other puppygames hits coming to USC

By Liam Dawe,
Puppy Games will be heading to an Ubuntu software centre near you soon my sources tell me! So you can expect hits like


By Liam Dawe,
Announcing A3P a neat game i found today that can be played via the browser! QuoteA3P is an indie online shooter that runs right in your web browser

Helena the Third - Now on kickstarter!

By Liam Dawe,
My favourite little indie game of the moment Helena the Third now has a KickStarter page, go ch...

Irukandji On Ubuntu Software Centre

By Rustybolts,
Charlies Games psychedelic shmup Irukandji is now available to purchase on the Ubuntu Software Centre priced at a reasonable $3.00.

Interview with Troy of MyGameCompany, part 2 in the replies

By Liam Dawe,
The latest installement of Gaming On Linux interview time has been well spent with Troy the founder of Liam: First of all let's start nice and eas...

Zod Engine Update

By Liam Dawe,
The awesome Michael Bok sent me an update on what he has been working on for The Zod Engine. QuoteChange Log for the Zod Engine Linux Distribution 2011-06-05

Smuggle Truck

By Rustybolts,

Fowl Space Pre-order

By Rustybolts,
Just found this platform game by the name of Fowl Space by Pixelante Game Studios which sports some attractive silhouette style visuals. Fowl Space is available on Windows, Mac and Linux and is available for pre-order priced at $10. [media=vim...

Dirk Dashing 2 June 2011 Newsletter

By Rustybolts,
The My Games Company June 2011 newsletter has been sent out with some more news regarding Dirk Dashing 2. QuoteDirk Dashing 2 Production Update Last month, I painted the background scener...

Oilrush 0.64 update

By Rustybolts,
Ungine have released a new beta version 0.64 of their game Oilrush available from the Ungine store if you pre-orderd. If not you can always pop over there now and grab yourself a copy for $19.95. Video from Linux Game Cast:

New opensource linux space sim

By Liam Dawe,
A reader sent this interesting piece in! QuoteProcedural space sim with land-able, real-sized planets, with detail down to meters. Sort of like Infinity the quest for earth, but, single player,free, and on Linu...
Showing 4520 to 4540 of 4720 entries found.