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Category: Misc

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Dirk Dashing 2 Production Update

By Rustybolts,
My Game Company who are at work on their upcoming title Dirk Dashing 2 have sent out their April news letter, in it is a snippet of information regarding the production of Dirk Dashing 2.

Volley Brawl available in Ubuntu Software Centre

By Rustybolts,
Volley Brawl is now available to purchase in the Ubuntu Software Center priced at $2.99 QuoteVolley Brawl is an awesome feature rich slime volley game designed to be fun and easy to learn for all ages, developed by Si...

Oilrush 0.61 update

By Rustybolts,
The most important part of this update for me is that we now have a multiplayer option. If you haven't bought this game its still in BETA but at the lower price of $19.95 QuoteYou can download th...

Lips of Suna 0.3.0

By Liam Dawe,
Lips of Suna has released 0.3.0, as always L.G.C has the lowdown for you, video after the break! QuoteLips of Suna is a tongue-in-cheek dungeon crawl game that takes place in the chaotic dungeons of Suna. The five int...


By XaY,
SpaceZero is a 2D space combat, multiplayer (two players by now) net game. The objective is to conquer the space, defeating all enemies. At starting point you have only one ship and one planet, but you have gold to buy more s...

The Zod Engine

By Mike Nigh,
The Zod Engine, a remake of the 1996 game Z by the Bitmap Brothers has finally provided an official linux release. The Website is http://zod.sourceforge.net/

Monster Rpg 2

By Rustybolts,

BEEP coming to Linux in April

By Liam Dawe,
Big Fat Alien are bringing their game BEEP to Linux in April as reported by their blog:

Summoning Wars Trailer

By Rustybolts,
The people behind the free RPG Summoning Wars have released a trailer for their game which is currently at version 0.5.4

Heroes Of Newerth weekend sale!

By Liam Dawe,
S2 games is having a weekend sale it seems on Heroes of Newerth, only $10 so i just bagged myself a copy and so should you! http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/...

Dino Run SE

By Rustybolts,

Ubuntu Software Centre adds Darwinia and Uplink by Introversion

By Liam Dawe,
I have just been sent a press release about this! QuoteHello, I just wanted to send you the below press release about the addition of Darwinia and Uplink games by renowned publisher Introversion to the Ub...

Spiral Knights

By Rustybolts,

Molten Sky Linux version

By Rustybolts,
ICWL has reported on reddit that there will be a linux version of Big little Teams game Molten Sky. A combat flight simulator that will be available on Windows and Linux. The Demo version is planned for release in April. About:-

Snaphot Linux Version in the Works

By Rustybolts,
An article on OmgUbuntu has reported that the developement team Retro Effect have confirmed via twitter that there will be a Linux version of this puzzle platformer Snaphot. Quote

IConquerU for Linux

By ,
http://www.IConquerU.com is a Free Tactical and Strategy Online Game MMORPG available now for Linux (natively). It has the following main features: * Kingdoms: Players can team up in ...

Flare 0.12 released

By Liam Dawe,
Flare v0.12 "Vendors" Released It's only been a couple weeks but v0.12 is ready! Here's a quick list of changes since v0.12 Vendo...

Steel Storm ep2 New Video

By Rustybolts,
Kot in Action have released a new video showing some more footage of Steel Storm Ep2 on their website. They have suggested that the release date will be shortly and encourage you to buy it at the discounted BETA price of $9.95 as apposed to the released p...
Showing 4580 to 4600 of 4718 entries found.