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Many of you are no doubt fans of the freeware game True Combat Elite who recently celebrated it's 10th birthday!
While I have said for a long time we don'...
The second Humble Indie Bundle is here!! A pay what you want bundle with as much of the proceeds as you decide going to charity.
What games are in the bundle?- Braid, Osmos, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Revenge of the Titans
Kot-in-Action is having a 70% off sale for their game Steel Storm Episode 2, now priced at a paltry $2.95. The game is not completed at the moment, but buy now and you get to play the bet...
So GOL has it's first interview, first up is a developer of the frantic arcade shooter M.A.R.S
So first question:
[Q] Tell our readers a bit about yours...
A new release of the fantastically frantic arcade shooter is upon us!
QuoteWe proudly present a new version of M.A.R.S., containing some exciting new features!
A New Weapon: Fist Of Ali
This is a short ra...
Okay it's time for the December competition, even though the last one was a flop i have decided to give competitions another go!
I asked on reddit earlier what games people are interested in and it gave me an idea - since no one can ever...
From Omni-Arts
Coming to your PC 20th December 2010, iPhone/iPad release Christmas 2010 and January release for Android, Mac and Linux. (Can't seem to find any prices quoted as yet).
Quote"In Apalia HD...
M.A.R.S an arcade space shooter has recently seen some new activity with a new release (0.6c "Edward").
QuoteThis is a first attempt to create a game in OpenGL with SFML. It is a game for two players, flyin...
Today you may have noticed at times certain parts of the website being down/giving off random errors.
I am currently still integrating the new forum platform, but it's going well and everything will be back to normal momentarily!...
Well we now have a new forum powered by Xenforo instead of phpbb which allows me to customize the community a lot more to suit our needs...not to mention the software being far more up-to-date with what the web can do nowadays.
New url is
Gaming on GNU/Linux: Ryzom MMORPG Goes Native!
PARIS, FRANCE, November 30th, 2010 -- Winch Gate Properties Ltd has announced the release of the official native GNU/Linux client for the massively-multiplayer online science-fantasy role playi...
Vendetta online is now available through the Ubuntu Software Centre for download, it appears to be for free trial (fullgame). A full registration is purchased via their website
QuoteDownload Now: Try the game for free...
Seen this reported on and thought it looked too promising not to report here.
Coming early in 2011 for PC, Mac & Linux
QuoteThe ga...
Well as Phoronix picked up Linux Game Publishing has been down for a long time now. After over a month and a half they have only just managed to get the key server operational for copy protected games (Their own website is still down).
I re...
QuoteFor those of you outside the United States, Black Friday is the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday that marks the first official shopping day of Christmas. It is the day when retailers offer all kinds of incredible s...
Okay everyone since Android is stupidly popular (i have the Dell Streak!) and it is built upon Linux i thought i might as well add it to the forum!