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Category: Music

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Clever and quirky musical platformer 'Songs for a Hero - A Lenda do Herói' gets an English version

By Liam Dawe,
Songs for a Hero - A Lenda do Herói has been around for a few years now, and it ended up quite popular for a good reason. It's a platformer with a clever musical twist but until now it wasn't available in English.

Project Heartbeat is a brand new community-driven rhythm game out in Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
With fast beats and quick finger work needed to hit all the notes, the community-driven rhythm game 'Project Heartbeat' is now available with Linux support in Early Access.

Unbeatable is a rhythm-adventure about siblings, creative blocks, and rocking out coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Unbeatable from developer D-Cell Games is an upcoming rhythm-adventure where music summons dangerous monsters and it looks really quite sweet.

Popular free rhythm game 'osu!' now provides a Linux build with releases

By Liam Dawe,
osu!, going under the current development name of osu!lazer is a very popular free rhythm game and they're now doing official builds for Linux gamers.

Project Heartbeat is an upcoming sweet community-driven rhythm game developed on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Stretch your fingers and get ready for a workout, as a new rhythm game is in town named Project Heartbeat.

The Steam Soundtrack Sale is now live to celebrate the new dedicated Soundtrack feature

By Liam Dawe,
What was originally supposed to launch last month, the Steam Soundtrack Sale is now live as Valve celebrate the new feature of the Steam store and client dedicated to Soundtracks.

Steam getting expanded support for Soundtracks with a Sale Event on January 20

By Liam Dawe,
Valve have announced that they're going to be giving Soundtracks their own special section on Steam instead of them being a generic DLC listing.

First-person adventure game 'The Norwood Suite' should get a Linux build on Steam in future

By Liam Dawe,
I spoke to the developer of the first-person adventure game The Norwood Suite about their plans for Linux.

Clone Hero is a Guitar Hero clone built with Unity that has a Linux version, it's free too

By Liam Dawe,
For those who love their music, you might want to take a look at Clone Hero (they're working on a better name) which aims to be a cross-platform clone of Guitar Hero.

Some thoughts on 'ERSATZ', the speed focused hardcore action-platformer with a musical twist

By Liam Dawe,
Last month, ERSATZ, the speed focused hardcore action-platformer with a musical twist added Linux support and since I love a good beat I gave it a go. Here's some thoughts.

For a few more days, you can get both 'Frederic' rhythm games for a massive 90% discount, demos available

By -Daniel-Palacio-,
There is a huge 90% discount for a double package featuring both 'Frederic' rhythm games until September 26th. Right now, if you buy the games separately, they would cost you USD 10.98 in total, but with this deal you'll only pay USD 0.89 for both.

Auto-Staccato looks like a great new take on rhythm games

By Liam Dawe,
Auto-Staccato is a new action rhythm game coming to Linux and it's trying to get on Steam. Think of Audiosurf with swords and magics, it looks amusing.

Wailing Heights, a body-hopping, musical adventure game is now available on Linux & SteamOS

By Liam Dawe,
Doing my usual perusing through changelogs, game updates and so on I come across new ports. This time Wailing Heights caught my interest. A body-hopping, musical adventure game, set in a horrific hamlet of monsters.

Before The Echo Is An RPG And Rhythm Game Mash-Up That's Now Available On Linux

The game, featuring an unlikely combination of gameplay elements, was a surprise release. We have Ethan Lee and FNA to thank for the port and we can expect to see more of his ports in the near future.

Audiosurf 2 Smashes Out Of Early Access, Available For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Audiosurf 2 is the sequel to the smash hit music game Audiosurf, and as the name suggests you do literally surf the music. The sequel is available day-1 on Linux thanks to having a build during the Early Access time.

Crypt Of The NecroDancer Exits Early Access, Get With The Beat

By Liam Dawe,
Crypt of the NecroDancer was a bloody good idea for a game, and it is executed well. The game has now left Early Access.

The Excellent Crypt Of The NecroDancer Officially Launches This Month

By Liam Dawe,
Crypt of the NecroDancer is really awesome, and it's going to exit early access this month. If you love your music it's a fantastic game.

Audiosurf 2 Released For Linux, Our Thoughts, It Rocks

By Liam Dawe,
Ride your music. Use your own music to create your own experience on a roller-coaster-like track. The shape, the speed, and the mood of each ride is determined by the song you choose. We take a look at the new Linux release.

Sentris, An Early Access Musical Challenge Game For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Sentris is a new kind of music game that puts you at the epicenter of musical creation. It's colourful and filled with great music, so what more could you want?

Micron Rhythm Puzzle Game Now On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Micron has been out for Linux for a little while, but it hasn't seemed to gain a big following. Hopefully this new and updated Steam release will fix that.
Showing 40 to 60 of 70 entries found.