If you look at the commercial Linux gaming catalogue at the turn of the millennium, in amongst all of the 3D shooters and strategic simulations being released, one glaring omission seems to have been the lack of any racing games. Loki Software never ported any to Linux, nor did any of the other porting houses. This left a void for the free gaming community to fill.
A free and open source survival sandbox game pack for the voxel game engine Minetest, MineClone2 is as close to Minecraft as you can get without playing Minecraft. A big new release has rolled out with version 0.82.0 with lots added.
In the mood for something just a bit different? The End of the Sun is a Slavic-fantasy adventure and you can try it out now.
ET: Legacy continues carrying the torch of the classic multiplayer title Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, with a new release out that has lots of fixes.
Here's a fresh chance for me to tell you to take a look at the overlooked gem that is Lila's Sky Ark, as it's now on GOG.
4A Games have done something quite awesome. They've released a SDK for people to make full game modifications of Metro Exodus.
Love your adventure games? Here's one to keep an eye on. The developer of Splittown has mentioned they're looking into Native Linux support.
Want to play Might and Magic 6, 7 and 8 on modern systems with an updated game engine? Well, OpenEnroth looks mighty promising.
Another revamp of a classic is on the way with Atari once again teaming up with SneakyBox, as the 1981 title Caverns of Mars is releasing as Caverns of Mars: Recharged.
The developers of the awesome Factorio have announced that the price is about to go up, so if you still haven't purchased it now is the time.
Stardeus was one of the most promising Early Access releases on 2022, giving you pretty much RimWorld in space and the first major update is out now.
Some of my first real experiences of using Linux as a child came through the use of Knoppix, one of the first distributions to popularize the use of Live CDs. This allowed me to explore a wide swath of Linux applications. One of these was a role playing game which I recall I never got to work well, but lingered on in my imagination regardless.
Farlanders is a turn-based city-builder from Andriy Bychkovskyi and publisher Crytivo that has you colonize and attempt to terraform the red planet.
It's not going to win any awards on style but some of you may want to know that the classic free and open source RPG FreedroidRPG is now on Steam.
Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania is an upcoming mini expansion for the popular action-platformer metroidvania game from Motion Twin / Evil Empire coming early this year.
Fanatical seem to be putting out some really great bundles lately, with the Vanquish Bundle offering up some pretty nice indie gems for you.
The Wandering Village, a very unique city-builder set on the back of a giant creature recently had a major update that added in gamepad support which also helps Steam Deck too.
Hyper Gunsport released on Steam and itch.io with Native Linux support back in December 2022, and now the developer has sort-of rescued the original Stadia exclusive Gunsport with it.
Circle of Kerzoven appears to be one I missed that was pointed out in December last year, as an interesting looking settlement building game that simulates a whole lot of things you need to keep an eye on.
Anyone remember the original Stronghold from FireFly Studios? Well, there's an open source remake named Stone Kingdoms.