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The weekend is about to arrive, you stare at your list of games and think you need something new so here's a quick look at some good Linux games on sale.
With the release of Cities: Skylines - Parklife on Thursday, it's going to expand the already great city builder with some fun new features. For those who don't have Cities: Skylines yet, it has a massive sale on Humble Store.
Ubuntu 18.04 is now officially released, so to mark this occasion we’ve teamed up with DRM free game store GOG for a sale and to throw some free games your way.
If you thought you were going to be bored this weekend, think again. ARMA 3 and Day of Infamy are both having a free weekend so you can try before you buy and many games are on sale.
It seems every week there's a new deal going on you don't want to miss! Right now Humble Store is offering free copies of Satellite Reign and other stores also have sales on.
Ballistic Overkill is a fun and cheap FPS that I've put many hours into, it's now free to try for a few days and on sale with 50% off if you decide to keep it.