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GDevelop is an open source cross-platform event-driven game engine that's quite promising. It's currently closing in on a new major release and it's also now on
For those who love their arcade-style racing games Yorg is actually quite amusing. The developers just release Yorg 0.10 and it's quite an improvement.
Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries holds a special place in my heart, as one of the earliest strategy games I played. It continues to live on now it's open source and a fresh release is out.
While we've talked a lot about DXVK recently, let's not forget other interesting projects like VK9 (formerly SchaeferGL) which aims to give Direct3D 9 over Vulkan.
For those who like to use their PC to emulate other platforms, the Citra emulator for the Nintendo 3DS just put out a progress report and it's very promising.
FreeOrion, the free and open source strategy game inspired by the Master of Orion series pushed out a new update a few days ago with a lot of improvements.
For those who love the classic RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, OpenRCT2 looks like a rather decent open source game engine to give it a new lease of life especially as it continues to be updated.