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OpenRA is the excellent open source engine to allow you to play with the units & buildings from the Red Alert and Command & Conquer series of games. They have released their July engine version with some awesome additions.
The great looking Unvanquished has once again pushed out a major alpha bump to the game bringing it that step closer to a more stable and feature filled game.
The latest and greatest OpenMW has been released which pushed the engine even further to allow us Linux gamers to play the excellent Morrowind natively.
After more than two years of development, the team behind UFO: Alien Invasion has finally released a new stable version of their open source tactics game.
Galaxy will launch this year, so a number of folks in GOG's community have suggested that it should be open source. A list of reasons speak for this, but what do you think?
Remember all the doom and gloom surrounding Facebook buying OculusVR? Well nothing has really changed, and thankfully they are still being a great company. They have recently purchased RakNet a cross platform C++ networking engine and they open sourced the damn thing.
In a very surprising move Game Develop a game creation engine that doesn't require programming has become open source. This is after the failed Indiegogo campaign, but it still happened anyway. Hooray!
One of the best strategy games ever made now has a game-ready open source engine. OpenXcom is designed for original X-COM game UFO: Enemy Unknown/X-COM UFO Defense to allow you to play them on modern operating systems.
Hey people, got a really nice graph to show off today. On a follow up from my last article, loads more work has been done to Mesa and the Radeon driver, and the speed improvement from 10.0.3 to 10.2 is phenomenal.
OpenRA is a really great project for people who remember games like Command & Conquer, Red Alert, Tiberian Sun & Dune 2000 as this engine uses the units and building from those games using the legally released free downloads for them in a much more up to date engine.