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Wine developers have today released a maintenance version of Wine 1.6.2.
As it's only a minor update, it doesn't introduce any new functionality, except update to liblcms version 2, only various fixes including 36 fixed bugs.
Unvanquished is a fast-paced, futuristic FPS with RTS elements, pitting technologically advanced humans against hordes of highly adaptable aliens. The player can choose from either team, providing a fresh gameplay experience on both sides of the conflict.
Livestreaming is seriously a lot of fun and it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. Thanks to projects like FFmpeg and Libav you can also do that on Linux with relative ease, but little under a year ago I started my own project to make it even easier.
Terasology is an open-source survival and discovery game with influences from Minecraft, Dwarf Fortress, and Dungeon Keeper. The game is in a pre-alpha state, but it's already fun to play!
Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of "0 A.D. Alpha 15 Osiris", the fifteenth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. This alpha features a multiplayer lobby, skirmish maps, auras and more!
The Open Source Command & Conquer: Red Alert project has just released a special christmas gift. A new stable release is available pre-packaged for multiple Linux distributions and also via Desura.
Two weeks after the last release, Wine developer pushed the version 1.7.8. It contains many new features and 27 bugfiexs including a fix for a recently updated Steam client (3rd December 2013).
Unvanquished is a fast-paced, futuristic FPS with RTS elements, pitting technologically advanced humans against hordes of highly adaptable aliens. The player can choose from either team, providing a fresh gameplay experience on both sides of the conflict.
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.27.0! This release brings the first official release of OpenCS, the OpenMW team's efforts to bring an open source solution for editing content for OpenMW. OpenCS is in an early Alpha state, please take that into consideration when testing! See the full notes below.
Unstable Wine branch saw today version 1.7.7 release. As previous version, this one doesn't bring many new features, but includes quiet a few bugfixes. Developers were able to fix 49 bugs this time.
After one year of working the OpenSource game MegaGlest has released a new version. There are nice new terrains with animated trees and many new maps. Cross platform multiplayer compatibility was vastly improved and many other details make it more fun than ever to play this game.
Wine developers have today released a maintenance version of Wine 1.6.1.
As it's only a minor update, it doesn't introduce any new functionality, only various fixes including 58 fixed bugs.
OpenRA is the open source engine for playing with old westwood/ea RTS game units like Command & Conquer and Red Alert. So glad these guys are keeping them alive, it is a pitty they can't support the original campaigns though.
Two weeks after the last release Wine developer pushed the new version 1.7.6. Sadly, Direct3D command stream patches still didn't landed in the repository, but other improvements did, including 30 bugfiexs.
Unvanquished is a fast-paced, futuristic FPS with RTS elements, pitting technologically advanced humans against hordes of highly adaptable aliens. The player can choose from either team, providing a fresh gameplay experience on both sides of the conflict.