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Xonotic 0.8.6 is an essential upgrade for anyone playing this classic free and open source arena shooter, due to a security issue but there's also plenty of new features and additions.
SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware used by a great many companies and SDL 2 is now pretty much finished.
RetroDECK is just one of the ways you can set up your Steam Deck for emulation and their team recently put up a rather great sounding upgrade in v0.7.0b.
AMD is moving even further into open source, with their plans to have openSIL replace AGESA for their processors and they've now put up the initial open source code on GitHub.
The really interesting project NonSteamLaunchers to get all sorts of third-party launchers on Steam Deck like, EA, Epic Games and more has now added support for the Minecraft Launcher and fixed a lot of problems.
Heroic Games Launcher, my favourite way to get Epic Games and GOG on Steam Deck and desktop Linux released v2.8.0 with some great new features - here's a run over what's new and improved.
There's many different ways to get third-party launchers onto Steam Deck like, EA, Epic Games and many others. Here's one way that does most of the work for you.
The latest biweekly development release for the Windows translation tool Wine is out, Wine 8.9 as usual brings new features and fixes that will eventually make their way into Steam Play Proton.
Back in March the plan was announced for the Wii and GameCube emulator Dolphin to release on Steam, along with some useful Steam features but now that seems unlikely to happen.
Modrinth, the open source modding platform that's gaining popularity, has now announced the first Alpha build of their own launcher to make modding easier for Minecraft fans.