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Continuing the improvements from the previous release that added Linux support, the Modern "Jedi Engine" replacement supporting Dark Forces, mods and in the future Outlaws - The Force Engine has a new release out with lots of upgrades.
While we have VKD3D-Proton for Direct3D 12 to Vulkan and DXVK for Direct3D 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan translation, what about Direct3D 8? D8VK is an upcoming in-progress project for that.
KDE Plasma 5.27 sounds like a really great update to this desktop environment, the same one used on the desktop mode for the Steam Deck and my personal choice for my PC too.
The free and open source game manager Lutris has a fresh Beta release out with version 0.5.13 adding in a whole bunch of new features and service integrations.
Game developers might want to begin to look closer at this one! The free and open source Godot Engine is about to have the biggest update ever with 4.0 that now has a first Release Candidate.
The Force Engine is a free and open source game engine reimplementation for Star Wars Dark Forces, with upcoming support of Outlaws. The latest release version 1.08 adds Linux support!
My mother's favourite game on Linux is without a doubt Frozen Bubble. It is a casual game in all of the best ways; one you can dive into and learn at your own pace thanks to its simple but repeatable formula. Consider this to be a snapshot in time back to 2002, from right before the game was to take the world by storm.
The Wine 8.1 development release is now available, starting off another year of new features landing usually bi-weekly for the Windows translation layer used in Proton.
OBS Studio 29.0.1 is out now and a worthwhile upgrade for any of you doing video content on Linux, as it fixes many problems from the previous release.