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Category: Open Source

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RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 reimplementation OpenRCT2 expands in v0.3.3

By Liam Dawe,
v0.3.3 of the RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 reimplementation OpenRCT2 is out now and it includes quite a lot of enhancements as the community works towards giving the ultimate cross-platform experience.

Lazy Chess a new open source game that gives you the best moves

By Liam Dawe,
I do always love to see new takes on classic games and Lazy Chess has a fun idea. It compresses Chess down into a game of only a few possible moves each turn.

Windows 'not an emulator' compatibility tool Wine 6.4 out now

By Liam Dawe,
Not an emulator but a compatibility tool that translates Windows calls into language Linux can understand, Wine 6.4 is officially out now as the latest development release.

VKD3D-Proton works towards Ray Tracing, new small Proton Experimental build up

By Liam Dawe,
For those of you with a graphics card capable of Ray Tracing who use the Steam Play Proton compatibility layer we have some good news coming for you.

Mesa 21.0.0 open source graphics drivers out now

By Liam Dawe,
After much waiting, the latest release of the Mesa graphics stack is out now with tons of improvements to lots of drivers for Linux users and for Linux gaming.

Pixels customizable smart dice seem like an interesting way to spice up your tabletops

By Liam Dawe,
While I haven't yet jumped into the deep end of virtual tabletop experiences myself, the likes of Fantasy Grounds Unity and Foundry VTT support Linux and look really good. Want to spice them up if you play already? Enter the Pixels dice.

FOSS racer Yorg has a new release with improved gamepad support

By Liam Dawe,
Top-down open-source racing? Yorg is a little bit like some of the classic Micro Machines games and while rough around the edges as it's in development it's showing promise as another FOSS game.

Sofa gaming Linux distro GamerOS version 23 is out continuing to fill the gap of SteamOS

By Liam Dawe,
Filling in the gap left by Valve leaving SteamOS alone, the sofa / couch gaming distribution GamerOS has a brand new release available with the usual great improvements.

plus-x is a simple tool to help developers on Windows set Linux permissions for games

By Liam Dawe,
Here's a small and very useful sounding application from game developer Cheeseness. It's called plus-x and the aim is to allow developers on Windows to set the correct permissions on Linux executables.

Godot Engine team grows with another developer now working on rendering

By Liam Dawe,
Godot Engine is definitely going places and the more we hear about this free and open source game engine the more we love it. The team now has another member hired to work on rendering.

Open source mixed reality library StereoKit adds Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
The XR (VR/AR) space continues to evolve and one of the promising projects there is called StereoKit, an open source mixed reality library and a new release is out now adding in Linux support.

Direct3D 9-10-11 to Vulkan translation layer DXVK 1.8.1 is out now

By Liam Dawe,
After the 1.8 release of DXVK on February 19, a small 1.8.1 release just went out for this Direct3D 9-10-11 to Vulkan translation layer.

Free and open source RTS Warzone 2100 gains Vulkan support in the 4.0 Beta

By Liam Dawe,
Ready for even more open source goodness? The classic real-time strategy game Warzone 2100 is gearing up for a new release with some absolutely huge changes.

Play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory with the new release of ET: Legacy

By Liam Dawe,
Miss the classic shooter from Splash Damage and id Software? Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has a modern open source version you can play with ET: Legacy and there's a new release available.

Transport Tycoon Deluxe reimplementation OpenTTD has a fresh Beta with OpenGL

By Liam Dawe,
OpenTTD, the free and open source game that's a reimplementation and much enhanced version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe has a big new Beta up with some huge changes.

Windows compatibility layer Wine 6.3 is out now

By Liam Dawe,
Step right up and grab a bottle: a fresh biweekly development release is out for the Windows compatibility layer Wine with Wine 6.3 bringing together more of the latest and greatest into a suitable release for you to try.

OpenLoco is a free and open source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion

By Liam Dawe,
Just like there's the awesome OpenTTD for fans of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, there's also OpenLoco for players who want to play through the classic Locomotion.

VRWorkout is a free and open source VR fitness rhythm game

By Liam Dawe,
Need something new to try with your fancy Virtual Reality equipment? Well, VRWorkout looks interesting plus it's free and open source so you've got nothing to lose but time.

Free and open source voxel game engine Minetest 5.4 is out, makes mods easier for users

By Liam Dawe,
Minetest, the Minecraft-like voxel game engine (and a basic game that comes with it) has a big new release out with Minetest 5.4.0 and it's worth trying again.

RetroArch announce the Open Hardware project, plus a new fantasy console core

By Liam Dawe,
The team behind the RetroArch application have announced the Open Hardware project, their attempt to make things easy for you and they also recently added a new fantasy console core to play with.
Showing 1560 to 1580 of 2751 entries found.