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A tactical rogue-lite platformer isn't something you see too often. A lot are based on speed and / or power but Aura of Worlds calms things down a bit to make you think and it's now on Linux.
Fury Unleashed is an action platformer with a seriously good art style from developer Awesome Games Studio, it's out in full now and they added Linux support just before release too.
Songs for a Hero - A Lenda do Herói has been around for a few years now, and it ended up quite popular for a good reason. It's a platformer with a clever musical twist but until now it wasn't available in English.
Indivisible, the action RPG platformer from Lab Zero Games (Skullgirls) can now be played with others in local co-op making it quite a different experience. Plus a New Game Plus mode if you enjoy pain.
Jumpala is a very unique take on competitive multiplayer platforming, I've had a huge amount of fun with it and now it's getting close to a Steam release.
Unbound: Worlds Apart Prologue, a free introduction for the upcoming Unbound: Worlds Apart is now available on Linux letting you conjure magic portals to travel between different realities.
Something Ate My Alien is now confirmed to be launching in June, although there's no exact date they at least have a release window now for their intriguing gameplay mix of action, platforming, puzzles and digging. There's also now a demo.
SHEEPO, a new upcoming 'quirky' metroidvania platformer recently appeared on Steam, and it instantly pulled in my attention due to the beautiful style.
Developer Fred Wood already had 'LOVE 2: kuso' available on Linux, however the original wasn't. That changed last week, as LOVE got a huge upgrade and Linux support came with it.
Jumpala is a very unique competitive platform covered here on GOL recently and I've fallen a little in love with the idea. It's challenging and a lot of fun to play with others.
Primal Light, built with the free and open source Godot Engine, is an action-platformer with pixel artwork that looks divine like some of the classics on Amiga and it's releasing on July 9.
Ultimate Chicken Horse, an amusing name and a very funny game to play with others locally and online. A big update and sale just went live for this party-platformer where you build the level as you play.
Lazr is a cyberpunk platform that's quickly shaping up to be like nothing else, where parts of the level and enemies are made from simulated cloth and a massive demo update is out.