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Category: Platformer

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Apotheon 2D Action Platformer Fully Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Apotheon is a heroic action game set within the vibrant world of Ancient Greek Mythology. Ascend Mount Olympus, wrestle the divine powers from the Pantheon of Gods, and save mankind.

New Trailer For Platformer Red Goddesss, Looks Really Good

Red Goddess, an upcoming platformer projected for release this month, now has a new trailer showing off some more action as well as introducing the plot of the game.

Apotheon Now In Open Beta For Linux, Some Thoughts

By Keizgon,
Apotheon is an indie game based on the concept of taking the ancient Greek mythological pottery art-style and story; incorporating it with a 2D metroidvania (platform adventure), heavy physics driven, open world.

Hot Tin Roof, Noir Mystery Adventure, Gets Release Date And New Trailer

The adventure platformer game Hot Tin Roof is to be released on the 20th of February and has a new trailer to celebrate the fact.

A Review Of Crystal Catacombs, A Retro-Inspired Platformer

Crystal Catacombs is a 2D platformer that came out on Steam last month after a successful Kickstarter campaign. It features hand-drawn pixel art, an assortment of differently-themed areas and a chiptune soundtrack.

Third Person Exploration Adventure 'AER' To Be Released For Linux

By flesk,
AER is an upcoming atmospheric adventure platformer in which you play as a girl who can transform into bird and explore a world of floating islands and ancient secrets. The game will be published by Daedalic Entertainment and is slated for a 2016 release.

Linux Port Of Platformer 'Giana Sisters' Brought In-House, Sequel Might Get Same-Day Release

By flesk,
After the initial 2014 estimate slipped and it became clear that the outsourced port contained lots of bugs and a whole level missing, the developer, Black Forest Games, has now decided to finish up the Linux version themselves. Last week they also shared some screenshots of the game running on SteamOS.

Gravity Ghost Released For Linux, It's Bloody Lovely

By Liam Dawe,
Thanks to a reader we were able to take a look at Gravity Ghost, a charming gravity platformer from Ivy Games LLC.

BADLAND GOTY Edition, An Atmospheric Side-scrolling Action Adventure Platformer Is Heading To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
BADLAND is an atmospheric side-scrolling action adventure platformer set in a gorgeous forest full of various inhabitants, trees and flowers. Although the forest appears to be right out of a beautiful fairy tale, there’s something terribly wrong.

Puzzle Platformer 'Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty' Will Release For Linux Next Month

By flesk,
The remake of the popular classic 'Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee' was released for PlayStation 4 last summer, and now the long wait for the Linux version of the game is coming to an end.

Fans Making Super Mario 64 Remake, Looking for Contributors

By Segata Sanshiro,
Nostalgia junkies will be pleased to hear that Super Mario 64 is getting a complete overhaul as fans are making the game from scratch using the FOSS Blender Game Engine with a Linux release confirmed.

Retro Action Platformer 'Gunslugs 2' Released, And The First Game Is Now Also On Linux

By flesk,
The sequel to the popular run 'n' gun platformer is now out, and as a last minute surprise, the developer OrangePixel also made the first game available for Linux today. We have played the follow-up, and it offers the same enjoyable action frenzy as the original, but in a more accessible package.

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Delayed For Linux, Again

By Liam Dawe,
I hope you weren't excited for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, as the release that was supposed to happy last month got delayed.

Lockdown Protocol, A High-score Shooter & Platformer Released Into Beta For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Lockdown Protocol is a good looking high-score orientated action platformer that has now entered beta for Linux, and it's looking great.

New Trailer Released For Upcoming 3D Collect-A-Thon Platformer 'Clive'

By flesk,
'Clive & The Stones Of The Ancient Bunnies' made something of a belly flop on Kickstarter earlier this year, and was far from reaching their £25K goal. That didn't stop one-man developer Rob Wass though, as he has kept at it and released a new gameplay trailer for the game last week.

Eerie Snowman Building Adventure Platformer 'Lost Constellation' Available For Download

By flesk,
Lost Constellation is a supplemental game to the upcoming game 'Night in the Woods' by developer Infinite Fall and is available on a pay-what-you-want scheme from Itch.io.

Move Crates In Odd 3D Platformer 'Job Lozenge'

By flesk,
It's no easy job to explain exactly what Job Lozenge is. That it's a game out of the ordinary is certain though.

Gorgeous Stealth Platformer 'Fossil Echo' Is Coming To Linux, Trailer Has Been Released

By flesk,
Fossil Echo is a hand-animated game about a boy on a great journey to reach a giant tower in the middle of the sea. It's influenced by the Oddworld series, Ico and Studio Ghibli films.

IO Is An Abstract Puzzle Platformer With A Difference

By Liam Dawe,
iO is one of the more interesting platformers I've been sent recently for the interesting growing and shrinking mechanics, and it's not as simple as it looks.

Trine Enchanted Edition For Linux Released

By Liam Dawe,
It's been a while, but Trine Enchanted Edition has been officially released for Linux. Be sure to give you love to Frozenbyte for delivering on their promise.
Showing 820 to 840 of 1017 entries found.