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Category: Puzzle

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The puzzle game 'Robo Instructus' will have you control a robot with simple programming

By Liam Dawe,
For those who love their puzzles and their programming, Robo Instructus from developer Big AB Games was just announced.

Escape room style puzzler with a seven deadly sin theme 'Forgiveness' is out now

By Liam Dawe,
For those who love a good puzzle while also don't mind having their brain messed with, Forgiveness is out now and it's pretty good.

The Talos Principle has a new beta with an upgraded Serious Engine, removes OpenGL in favour of Vulkan

By Liam Dawe,
The Talos Principle, Croteam's fantastic first-person puzzle game has a fresh beta available to test with some major changes.

Sci-fi puzzle horror 'The Subject' officially adds Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Today, DarkStone Digital have added Linux support to their rather good and scary looking sci-fi puzzle horror game The Subject.

Casual puzzle game 'Snakebird Primer' is out with Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
For those who like their sweet casual puzzle games, Snakebird Primer has released today with Linux support.

Baba Is You, an award winning puzzle game is heading to Linux next month

By Liam Dawe,
Baba Is You, a puzzle game with over 200 levels that won multiple awards is coming to Linux next month and it does look pretty unique.

With a clear inspiration from Portal, the first-person puzzler HA/CK is out now

By Liam Dawe,
Another developer has taken the basic layout and idea of Portal and moulded it into their own puzzler named HA/CK.

Monstrous programming puzzle game 'Monster Logic' is coming to Linux this year

By Liam Dawe,
While it has no clear release date other than this year, Monster Logic certainly looks like a sweet programming puzzle game that's coming to Linux.

Escape room puzzle game 'Escape Legacy: Ancient Scrolls' lands Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Escape Legacy: Ancient Scrolls from Storming Tech is an escape room puzzle game that landed Linux support back in December.

Forgiveness, a new escape room style puzzle game is coming to Linux this month

By Liam Dawe,
With themes based around the seven deadly sins with psychological-horror vibes, Forgiveness, a new escape room puzzle game is coming to Linux.

JUMPGRID is a fantastic 2D dodge-em-up that will give your fingers a workout

By Liam Dawe,
Did you enjoy Super Hexagon? JUMPGRID is a brand new dodge-em-up with simple and addictive gameplay.

RivenTails: Defense, a mix of a 3D puzzle platformer with Tower Defense will come to Linux this year

By Liam Dawe,
RivenTails: Defense from developer Kivano is a rather sweet and colourful looking game blending two rather different genres together.

Puzzling machine learning puzzler 'while True: learn()' recently left Early Access and it's good

By Liam Dawe,
while True: learn() is a puzzle game about machine learning, neural networks, big data and AI and something about a cat.

Dis Pontibus will have you solve puzzles and connect islands together in a procedurally-generated archipelago

By Liam Dawe,
Who would have thought something as simple as connecting blocks together could be so good? Dis Pontibus will keep you going for hours.

ECON - Elemental Connection, a pretty sweet puzzle game about making a mosaic

By Liam Dawe,
ECON - Elemental Connection was quite a surprise, a puzzle game that can be played both offline and online that has you take it in turns to build a mosaic.

Snip wires, flick buttons and save the world in Bomb Squad Academy

By Liam Dawe,
Bomb Squad Academy, a game I totally missed from 2017 (yes really, woops!) is an interesting puzzle game about disarming bombs.

The cute and quirky puzzle-exploration game 'Pikuniku' is coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Pikuniku from the studio Sectordub and Devolver Digital is releasing January 24th and it will support Linux at release.

Slime Research, a physics-based slimey puzzle-platformer is out in Early Access

By Liam Dawe,
Slime Research from developer Schism LLC is a bit of an odd one, now available in Early Access with Linux support.

Robo Puzzle Smash, a competitive puzzle game inspired by Capcom's Puzzle Fighter has Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Taking inspiration from Capcom's Puzzle Fighter, Puyo Puyo and Dr Mario the developer Pxlplz has put out their competitive puzzle game Robo Puzzle Smash.

EXAPUNKS, the latest Zachtronics puzzler is now available with Linux support on GOG

By Liam Dawe,
DRM free GOG fans rejoice, now you too can get in on the latest open-ended puzzler from Zachtronics as it hacked its way onto GOG yesterday.
Showing 440 to 460 of 882 entries found.