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A nice way to end the week, Stardock have given some more updates on Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation for Linux and they said something rather interesting.
Keeping tabs on various open source projects, one I'm quite keen to see progress further is the KKnD and KKnD2 remake. They just recently pushed out a new build to improve it further.
While Alpha 23 of the free and open source RTS 0 A.D. was released way back in May of 2018, it did come with some issues and they've put out an updated version now to improve it.
The newer team behind Planetary Annihilation: TITANS has put out two new test builds, one built with newer modern tools and the other on their legacy toolchain. It comes packed with new features and updates too.
Always a fan to see what developers can do with a strategy game, Bad North does look rather good and it seems the developer has taken notice of requests for a Linux version.
Neuroslicers from developer Dream Harvest seems like a very interesting title. A narrative driven, online competitive cyberpunk RTS and it will be coming to Linux.
Planetary Annihilation: TITANS, the massive scale RTS now being continued by the new Planetary Annihilation Inc had another small patch recently to further improve it.
Re-Legion should be an interesting RTS, with a cyberpunk influence you will start your own cult and begin amassing followers. It has a release delay along with a new trailer.
Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries holds a special place in my heart, as one of the earliest strategy games I played. It continues to live on now it's open source and a fresh release is out.